a fifo wife {fifo life: a few things}

image with thanks to @charmitchell_mwah

Husband has been home almost a week and we have had a great time. Its taken thirteen years but either we have learnt the art of stopping or finally we have got to that place were we can. Its been amazing yet his time might be cut short but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. He is after all going back to work not a war zone.

I lost a few subscribers this week it was strange after years of preaching to my kids not everyone has to like you and then to lose and then regain some face book friends (the newbie’s welcome it’s a pleasure to meet you) and some subscribers  it was  bit of a reality check. It was the first time and I know it was bound to happen and I know I should rejoice that I have been writing for over a year and only just now are people are turning off but last week I really did learn a lot about walking the walk and talking the talk. I learnt a lot about really accepting that you can’t please everyone, people really don’t have to like you and if they don’t that’s okay. Its something I say a lot to my kids still though when it happens (and especially to you) in the real world or online it’s still a nudge to the old confidence. So do I shrug it off of course I do sort of not; no. Instead I find myself stalking my own blog trying to find what I could have said and done to make them say see ya later baby. Ah the joys of being human. Suck it up baby. Not everybody has to like you it’s true but it does keep you on your toes.

However it’s Monday; sort of it’s a new day and even though it’s not technically start of the week. Apparently that is Sunday ( I did actually know that but you know) thank you anonymous for correcting me on that as well as letting me know my editing and inability to use the word your and you’re correctly annoys the crap out of you. Thank you those points have been dually noted and I will do my best to fix that however let’s move on to the good stuff of the few things that have been running through my head.

1. When will I learn when someone who is telling you something, pouring their heart out to you that they are not always seeking advice. Sometimes they just want to talk about it.

2. These are the same people who don’t seem to grasp or understand that things will not change unless you do. It’s not rocket science. Seriously it makes me crazy. Don’t come to me with the same problem time and time again. I will help you anyway I can but you have to help me help you.

3. I need some glasses but I’m frightened if I get them my eyes will fail me completely and the slow decent into old age will be a full blown top speed toboggan ride into a wall.

4. As I write this I’m eating a piece of toast it’s my preferred breakfast with a good coffee however given how many headaches I have had this weekend much to my husband’s disappointment perhaps I should be having a bowl of sexceral. Yes its true sex sells. Even breakfast cereal. Head more for details here.

5. Why do dogs insist on rolling in moving dead things? Why?

6. They have made a transparent smart phone because losing it once is not enough? Never finding it again as it blends into the back of the couch is of course the aim of piece of $600 piece of technology.

7. Robbie Rogers a former Leeds United and USA footballer has come out as gay and has quit sport. Tell me why I should care? Why should anybody care who he loves and why should his profession suffer?

8. Could someone also tell me why our rugby players (I don’t know the difference between the codes- sorry) are considered hero’s when we have hundreds of them deployed overseas, working the wards of our hospitals, fighting the containment lines of the bush and the beats of our streets. How about reducing their wages to those of the real heroes and see how many stay playing the game purely for the love of team work and play.

9. I bundled up my pendent with a note to her and have decided to send it to her grandmother. His mother.  I know at least someone who loves him as much I did will have it.

10. We watched Silver Lining over the weekend. Great movie. Great. I don’t normally sit down and watch flicks but this is a great one. Good for the soul and it’s the first time Bradley Cooper caught my attention for his acting ability rather than his ability to look pretty. If you have a couple of hours of child free time then head to the cinema’s and watch it. It’s good for the soul and it will do wonders for the perception of mental illness.

So has porky pig says at the end of every good tune that’s all folks. Hope you have a sensational day. I’m off to the city.

What does your day have in store? Tell me who is your hero? Do you wear glasses? Come on share some thoughts on the big stuff or little what ever takes your fancy. 

Xx Deb

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  1. Thanks Jacqui..sorry for the delay..wordpress is playing havoc. I hope your Anzac’s were yum and you and little miss had a great day! Xd

  2. Rebecca I am so pleased to hear that you and baby are getting to know each other so easily and wonderfully.
    Glasses..yes I feel I to will be that snob..and I have no fear with that..tell me what your lunch was..how glorious to have it made for you and that you share it with your visitors…lap that up sweet.
    hmmmm your Ob..trust that your OB had your best interest at heart…all things happen as they are meant to..baby is here and she is perfect. 8.4 How she got here is irrelevant..I had two elective csections..after a very horrible first labour that should have been a csection from the start. My babies were all big 10.9, 9, 10.1. If the consulting doctor I had had listened to my family history, checked the size of baby, looked at me and seen my husband – if he had really taken an interest in me- it wouldn’t have been that way. I wouldn’t have laboured so horribly. I wouldn’t have worried that I was doing wrong. He wouldn’t have had to say me to when I asked him for help “what would you have done a 100 years ago” which if was true means I would have died. However everything happens for a reason I was the lesson he needed in bed side manner, mothers instinct and to remember that the body isn’t an perfect science. Trust your OB knew what he was doing and was doing his job and taking care of you. Don’t let it worry you any further..
    Keep us informed of babies progress!

  3. Thank you sweet. You know everyone is saying that with the whole glasses thing and your right about the driving thing..its the very reason I dont drive at night..I wont at all. Amanda I love hearing from you. Thank you xxDeb

  4. hi deb. i am sorry you have lost a few followers, glad you have picked up a few followers, and i’m sorry i’m not going anywhere (you inspire me every swing to do it better than the last one)! don’t put off getting new glasses (i’ve just picked up my newies) although you do tend to rely on them you will notice less headaches once you’ve got them, plus think about do you really want to put your family at risk if you require them for driving (just my opinion)? glad you decided what to do with your pendant (RIP Vernon).
    mrs b xxx

  5. 1) My day has in store for me resting in a very comfy hospital bed and either staring at or feeding my gorgeous newborn baby girl. I also now look at midwives in a new light, what amazing people who do massive amounts of things for the new Mum.

    2) Yes to glasses! And I don’t really even need them, can well do without. I always choose designer frames (snob alert!). Love wearing glasses.

    3) Thoughts of mine – as sometimes a very controversial topic I chose to have an elective cesarean based on the fact my Ob told me all along my baby was going to be big. Huge in fact were his words as well as ‘congratulations you are having a boomba’. My daughter Lily was born weighing 8.4 pounds, yes larger but certainly not massive. I now wonder if my Ob planted the seed for me to choose a c section to make his job easier? It is weighing on my mind. Side note – as it turned out I would have had to have a c section anyway due to babies head being in a deflex position.,

    4) Wonder what hospital lunch will be today? I over order all my food deliberately so I can share with my visitors. I tick nearly all the boxes on my little food order card. Sure the kitchen thinks I am being a pig.

  6. Morning Deb,

    All well said. I too have hubby home, sometimes it takes us a couple days to get in to a routine – I’m just so used to being able to do my own thing, it’s hard to break it.
    i’ve just finished a batch of my nan’s Anzac’s. So get little miss to bed and a cup of tea and a few biscuits on the sun lounge will work a treat.
    Have a great day,

  7. Packing!! My day involved getting ready to head to Sydney for the biggest week I’ve had in a while. Trying to get organised and packing separate bags for husband and myself and children (who incidentally are going to their grandparents). And cleaning the house so that when I get home it will feel peaceful.
    I have lots of heroes and none of them are sport stars. I agree with you Deb why should anyone care about “stars” in this way????
    Yes I wear glasses. I have for years. You’ll actually find they won’t make your eyes “lazy” and more blind. You’ll feel so much better!
    As for headaches….sex really is the best cute I reckon!!! Oh but if that fails you can go for brain surgery!!!!! Lol.
    Hope hubby’s time is not cut too short!!

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