a fifo wife {a fifo life: kids: teaching kindness}

image with thanks to bens bells

Teaching your kids kindness. How do you teach it? I don’t know buts it what I want my boys to be kind, considerate, gentle, thoughtful and beautiful. I want them to be all these things and I have often wondered how do I do it. Do I need to join a organisation? Start doing charity work? Being a better person to my fellow man? I don’t know. Its something I have wondered because its a trait that I want to instill in my boys; in a world that is so hard a little kindness and consideration will go along way. I know I think too much but I this fear I have one chance with the boys to do it right. I don’t want to stuff them up. So raising good boys is something that plays on my mind.


Last night I spent most of it with my head in a bucket. I picked up the boys vomiting bug and I took myself to bed at 4pm.

My boys 7,5 and 3 got themselves a breakfast dinner, they bathed themselves, they stayed quiet and then when I told them it was bed they went to bed or into my bed so they could ‘keep an eye on me’.

At 7pm my vomiting started. My big boy got me a bucket. My middle baby my got me a towel. My little boy well he just yelled mummy its coming out your nose. After I finished lets say purging my soul. I sat. Are you okay mum? Yep just give me a minute I said. They did and then without being asked they then set about cleaning me up. They wiped my face and rubbed my back. They got me a drink of water.

They showed me kindness. They were considerate. Thoughtful. They were last night all those things I want them to be. Without being instructed.

Without actively seeking teaching them kindness, consideration, and thoughtfulness we have by just being that way to each other.

Kids learn from us via our actions and our words so how we are to each other, how we speak with each other is the biggest teacher we can give them.

xx Deb

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  1. Oh thank you Jade we are on the mend..well and truly…and all we can do is try cant we…thank you for asking Jade I appreciate it..xxD

  2. No rest for the wicked hey Kate!! Hope your well to lovely and its horrible that first time bubba’s have a vomiting bug they don’t understand the whole stuff coming out their mouth bit. My B2 was like that last year I felt terrible. It is so sweet when they express that concern is makes your heart melt makes everything so worth while..Hope your all caught up…we are nearly there! Thanks Kate for taking the time sweet..I appreciate it..it feels less one sided..so thank you xxD

  3. lol..yes Nat I bet they were too..it was interesting to see them delegeate and work together..thanks for taking the time to comment sweet..I have been popping over to your blog..Antartic cruise?! Jealous much yes!

  4. thanks Karen Im on top of the world hope you are to xDeb

  5. Obviously you’re teaching them well by example. What beautiful boys they are looking after their mum like that! Hope you’re feeling better.

  6. Deb, to horrible to be sick but I’m so glad you were ill because it allowed your little men to step up to the plate and be in charge of taking care of their mum Secretly, I bet that they are impressed with themselves too. I hope Mr FiFo thanks them for taking care of the love of his life too! x

  7. Oh Deb you poor thing…we just had gastro through Mon/Tues too…yuk yuk yuk. Whilst I spent an hour dozing on the floor whilst the kids watched tv around/on me, (pre-symptoms starting!) my two year old kept putting his hand on my forehead, and rubbing my arm… “You ‘K Mum?” in his caring voice… it was so sweet and lovely that it should have bloody cured me… shame it didn’t. 3 hours later he was a sick as me, first time in his life, so bit scary for him… I have finally caught up on the mountains of washing/drying/ironing of every bit of linen in the house today!

    You are doing such an amazing job to be back on the computer blogging! Hope you can shake it quickly. Your boys are sweethearts, there is no doubt! Take care.

  8. Hope you are feeling better Deb! What kind, thoughtful little men you have 🙂 You must be doing a wonderful job to have such beautiful boys xx

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