a fifo wife {fifo life: me: road tripping}

image with thanks to google

We are road tripping west to see the cousins. It was such a good idea at the time but in between saying yes there have been sickness and well the glam of travelling across the country side has slowly depleted and as I think of the four hours with nothing to see but sticks and more sticks the idea is becoming stupid or silly. Harsh words I know but I hate to drive..I drove enough as a kid to see my father who was FIFO in the sticks of the Northern Territory and whilst that provided me many an experience it was the hours and hours between those experiences that I hated. Yet having said that I was an only child, had no one to talk to and with only Slim dusty and Engelbert Humperdinck to listen to you can understand why I soon developed a devotion to flying, every where.

However the cousins are important and its important to make the effort to see them as they do us. They are no longer swallowing the excuse from me when you live closer to an airport I will be their in a shot because they have since purchased a home in a town close to the station they manage so that’s it I have no other option. They will never be close to an airport and if anything looks like they will move further inland where even the postie has to fly so whilst they are still reasonably close to me so we will soon depart.

I have also decided but have always known the important for the boys see and experience their environment and like my mother did for me their is nothing but getting out and about in it to learn and understand life. To gain an education and to develop a love of travel, people and life. Where we live I cant give the boys museums galleries or the theatre but what I can give them is a sense of wonder at the land around them, an understanding of the importance of where the stuff comes from, understand acceptance of others and understand what is important to others and to understand the how and why different people live. Which I think is equally if not more important to them as their education.

So whilst I know its still Australia and we aren’t ducking off to Patagonia yet that will come later when I win lotto but still its different from here. Lush mountains with plentiful water and dairy cows as far as the eye can see to there where water is scarce, grass is a sign of rain having just been and cattle are for eating not procuring milkshakes from.

They can still learn stuff by just getting out and being there; talking to strangers; with my supervision, walking down beaten tracks, playing in water holes, catching yabbies, rounding cattle, making fire, accepting difference not always liking it but letting it be if need be. Its all still learning and gaining a sense of adventure and importantly education. There is no bigger school than life.

However should I not be blogging come Friday afternoon feel free to send out search and rescue..seriously..I may be a couple of children short and have had to make a run for it but have got lost for the confusion of sticks.

When was the last time you road tripped with kid’s. Where did you road trip too?

Have a great day lovelies and just so you know I am just a little looking forward to it. Even if its four hours of looking a stic’ks. They will be I’m sure beautiful sticks.

xX Deb

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