a fifo wife {fifo life: kids: B3 monster update}

Just thought I would give you an update on B3 and his monster behaviour. He is still a monster but he has shifted from the god fearing Godzilla that I desperately wanted to drop with anyone that would take him and run to something more like fraggle rock and I’m rather partial to Gobo from the Fraggles. Yes I am showing my age there. It took some work. Lots of tantrums following the NO’s but lots of laughing and loving too.

His behaviour now is that of a wonderful, moody, funny, wistful cranky three year old. He is yummy. He is wonderful and Im so glad that he had become that little monster because I may have missed this. I may have just put up with it put it in the too hard basket and missed this. Missed this wonderful boy that I had.

These last two weeks have been funny and frustrating all in one. He is such a different boy to his brothers. He is so different. He needs different handling. Different teachings. He is wonderful and he has taught me a thing or two. He is a boy of boundries and routine. So I put boundaries back in place. I said no instead of yes. I spoke to him instead of yell at him. I got down to his level when he was upset and when I was cranky. I ignored his tantrums and told him when he had finished I would speak with him. I told him he needed to listen to me for me to help him. I have played with him. Invested time in him. Negotiated my work time with him. I have though cheated along the way. Twice a week I have started going to the public libarays reading mornings. They read a book and then do craft. Exactly what he is after. Craft and kids. Thank goodness because I am not a crafter. Happy to pull out the play dough and have whack but craft ahh leave that to the purple rinsed expert. Yes thank you.

So its been a week or so since we put a stop to the monster boys behaviour and our first test came Thursday when we walked in to the supermarket. He walked in and walked out without asking for a thing. Nothing. No chips. No milk. No chocolates. For the first time in weeks no tantrums. No apologising to other shoppers for the screaming banshee that insisted belonged to me. Our second test came Saturday. We had a specialist appointment at the public hospital. So yes you know what that means. Waiting. In a hospital. Our appointment 1030am typically we still hadn’t been seen at 1130. No tantrum no whinging no whinging. He and his brothers played happily with their cars in the corridors whilst we waited. Finally an hour and half later we were seen. Seven minutes we where out of there, I always wonder how does that work? Through out the appointment they sat on the floor watching while the doctor looked into their brothers eyes. Asking questions. Being quite when asked. Answering questions. Being restless. Being as good as they could after being restrained for an hour and half.

Being yummy little boys and yes Im proud to call those boys mine. Mine. Yes lady who wished me luck nodding her head at my beautiful babies as I sat down; those gorgeous yummy boys were mine.

Mine. All mine.

xx Deb


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