{a fifo wife} how tall will your kids be?


My husband is 6ft4 and I am 5ft {and quickly starting to shrink} and the biggest question I am asked is, Do I think my boys will be tall like him?

Truly I don’t know.

My husband only ‘shot up’ when he was in his early twenties and even into his late twenties his foot was still growing eventually stopping {thankfully} at a 16. Myself I remember being the tallest girl in grade three but that was it soon after that I was left behind in the height stakes but I have never had a problem with being short.

My eldest boy isn’t the tallest in his class as is my other two. B1 is very much built like his dad long and slender, B2 is my father builds all muscle but wiry with it. B3 well he is the perfect example of what my boys call hybrids I cant tell who he takes after and yet they all have massively big feet so who knows.

So whilst you can’t accurately predict someones height there is a couple of formulas you can use for a bit of fun.

  • Add the mother’s height and the father’s height in either inches or centimeters.
  • Add 5 inches (13 centimeters) for boys or subtract 5 inches (13 centimeters) for girls.
  • Divide by two.

Then there is doubling their height at age two.

Obviously, there is a ton of factors influencing what makes a child grow with good nutrition being one of them but genetics is the biggest indicator of how tall your child will be. Interestingly it’s been found that the youngest child may be the least tall and seems to be the ‘slowest’ growing of course though every child and each family is different.

As a nation Australian’s average height was 1.61cms for women whilst the average Aussi bloke is 1.84

So if I used the above formula my kids will be 5ft10. Does this work out for you? What did it say for your children? 

xx Deb

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