a fifo wife {how to} declutter fast before the keeper comes home.


I have just one aim this year to get rid of crap and by crap I mean anything that suffocates me and by anything that include everything from the 700 plastic containers we have to the toxic company we keep. The 700 plastic containers I can talk about the toxic company not so much yet I haven’t began to tackle that but don’t panic if your reading this most likely it’s not you. So the plastic containers my husband has a thing with food storage and correct food storage they must be placed in clean neat clear stackable plastic boxes.

He buys them, brings them home and recycles them. He is what I call a keeper. Not only is he himself a keeper but he likes to keep everything {see what I did there- it’s called compliment insurance} It is mother load crazy in our plastics cupboard. Serious the man has a crazy fetish but given that he isn’t here to defend himself I will cease with the crazy talk. I also may or may not have the same fetish with glass jars and bottles but by the time he reads this gets home there will be no problem I will have turned them into light fittings, candles, spray painted them gold , displayed them with more garden foliage than what we have and I will reign supreme in the angle department and so carry on there is nothing to see there.

Now I don’t want to become a minimalist a house with stuff is not a home it is just a shell. Its just that we all do better with less stuff me in particular however husband he can’t seem to part with it always saying that stuff might come in handy or that belongs to so and so. So the plastics cupboard, perhaps if we were feeding the Kardashians and her entourage/disciples then yes we have call for 700 containers but otherwise no no we don’t.

So how to declutter quickly before you have a chance to think too much ..

  1. Don’t buy special organising tools. Get the area clean and sorted before introducing more stuff into the space it’s also putting off getting organised to get organised. I like a spur of the moment purge no emotion no what ifs or buts.
  2. Don’t try and do it all in one day. It’s exhausting you lose steam and will power. It becomes too much, yyou become overwhelmed you lose focus you lose time and it’s around that time someone will lose a body part. Pick an area and give yourself ten minutes to ravage it.
  3. Do as Peter Walsh says keep, throw and donate. Leave the emotion at the door. It’s stuff.
  4. Finish the job by that I mean start the whole keep throw and donate and then drive it to the tip and then charity bin otherwise as I have found it sits in a corner gathering tumbleweeds of dust and dog hair. So do it start to finish.

Fortunately, a plastics area doesn’t hold much emotional value however in the back of my head I can hear the husband saying what if 700 disciples turn up on our doorstep and we need to pack them some bread and fish in separate containers according to health and safety regulations what will we do then? Well I answered back to the neurotic voice in my head we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

Happy decluttering.


{image is with thanks to here and content is original by Debbie Russo}

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