{a fifo wife} sit the heck down and take break before you break


You know when you have that overwhelming desire just sit on the couch all day and watch TV or just stare endlessly into space? Or you wish you could go back to bed even though you have just got up? Or my favourite you don’t even want to get out of bed at all. I have a conclusion and whilst I’m not a doctor I reckon {because reckon is medical slang for I know for sure} it is the first sign your stressed out. It is the first sign that your body is getting sick from stress. Your body is telling you to sit the hell down and take a break before you have someone dress you in an unfashionable white coat unlike the one pictured and takes you to window less medical facility.

So Start being attentive to your stress level and take short breaks.– Slow down.  Breathe.  Give yourself permission to pause, regroup and move forward with clarity and purpose.  When you’re at your busiest, a brief recess can rejuvenate your mind and increase your productivity. These mini-breaks will help you regain your sanity, allow you to do your hair, wipe away the drool and get back on track to staying awesome.

However in case you need some backup to go with that pep talk..

It’s good for your heart. “There are studies to show that stress is comparable to other risk factors that we traditionally think of as major, like hypertension, poor diet and lack of exercise,” says Kathi Heffner, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychiatry at the Rochester Center for Mind-Body Research at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York.

It keeps away the common cold. It appears that stress hampers the body’s ability to fight inflammation, by making immune cells less sensitive to the hormone that “turns off” inflammation.

It boosts your memory. Research in mice also shows that shorter bursts of stress impaired the centres of the brain involved in memory and learning and left the mice struggling to remember how to find their way through a maze. A number of studies have also found that stress increases the amount of certain proteins in the brain that have been linked to Alzheimer’s, possibly accelerating the development of the disease.

It keeps depression at bay. In humans, the prolonged presence of stress hormone cortisol can reduce levels of serotonin and dopamine, which are linked to depression you don’t want that. Lack of sleep also alters that so off to bed with you.

It keeps you thin. Cortisol increases appetite, and may even specifically encourage junk food cravings. When stressed we all like a bit of comfort food. Comfort foods have to be high in all the bad stuff naturally otherwise its not comfort food.

It keeps you in the mood. One of the big reasons that women lose that lovin’ feeling is stress, but men aren’t immune either. In fact, Kinsey Institute researchers found that stress zaps the libido of around 30 percent of men (although another 21 percent said it actually increased their sex drive.). “Men are more likely to see sex as a stress reliever, whereas for many busy women, their husband’s desire is just another demand on their time and energy,” said Alice Domar, Ph.D., director of the Mind/Body Center for Women’s Health at Boston IVF told Ladies Home Journal.

So sweet things. Sit on the couch. Grab that coffee, watch Ellen take time out you need it. It is good for you.

And that white jacket is from available from here it’s super cute.



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