School holidays are back let me {us} take a moment to rejoice in that fact. The boys are back off to school as am I. The school holidays were great but they have ended just in time for us to remain friends and a somewhat unified family.
The husband arrived home Saturday. B1 turned 10 Sunday. We stayed a the Coconut Village Resort it was awesome. If you are coming to Cairns with rug rats stay there everyone gets a holiday then. So it was an all round awesome weekend.
Anyway a few things from the past week that caught my attention and stayed in my head.
- We road tripped last week. We did 1700 kilometres over three days picking up and visiting the cousins. Traveling with my kids always blows my mind as to what we talk about what they say and what they learn. Amongst subjects were cattle export and the free trade pros and cons. Drought and how it affects the farmers and city people as well as the environment. How to be conscious and aware of where their food comes from. Not to mention the reading of signs, the maths of working out ETA’s and how to talk to everyday people.
- I had a reader rip me for my grammar I apologised for that. I am not known for my grammar nor spelling as try as I might. I popped on her facebook profile to see most of her posts were written with text abbreviations. At least I attempt the word in full.
- A friend of mine has started going back to church and whilst I am not religious it has changed her. She doesn’t share her religion with me but it has made her whole. So it’s backed up my theory that humans do better with a faith be it in their god, in their family or themselves we need something to hold on to when all else is failing.
- I have been dealing with a very insecure person of late. Do you think if I ask them nciely she will take some of the fat as well as the life she is sucking from my soul.
- Have you considered being a bone marrow donor? Have a look here.
- Watch this man discover he is going to be a dad after 17 years of trying to conceive. Here.
- Taylor swifts Instagram account..I love her. Here.
- Woman are expected to be living in poverty come retirement. Do me a favour get your super sorted. Here.
- I’m going to ask the husband to make this cake. Here.
- How to sweat-proof your makeup – I know just in time for summer. Here.
{image with thanks to here content by Debbie Russo}