a fifo wife {fifo life: a few things}


The weekend went so fast so quickly it’s the first of June today, and I didn’t know and I am not happy about that because it’s all down here from here. Soon it will be August and then Christmas and another year gone.

I carry on a bit about time going by so fast, but seriously I can’t cope with it whizzing by like it does my kids will be gone before I know it.

Anyway, the weekend it was good a little non-productive for me but every day doesn’t have to be productive does it? The kids had a good one although potato chips being able to stay up past their bedtime and some iPad with always make it a good weekend in their eyes.

I am heading to Darwin on Wednesday to watch a reunion happen between my father and sister. It’s been 22 years between catch ups. It’s a surprise will keep you posted.

So with that said its Monday brand new week and these are the few things that caught my attention and have stuck with me.

1. I am watching a divorce play out. It’s not so much the couple and how that plays but the taking of sides. Oh my gosh, it’s a real thing, and it’s sad. Having said that I’m on the kids side whatever it takes to make them okay I’m there.

2. I keep running into a woman with three kids. She is everywhere I go except she doesn’t see me I see her- so stalkerish I know. Does that happen to you? Do you think it means something or its just a coincidence.

3. My husband sounded so happy today that it made the start to my day so awesome. My heart literally filled with warm fuzzy stuff.

4. Then my children then dropped two bowls of cereal on the floor but it didnt matter the warm and fuzzy sucked it right up.

5. 73 Questions with Victoria Beckham here.

6. There is now a new personality type in the mix here.

7. Sex positions here.

8. Duck lanes in London. I do love London. Here.

9. This is me and my dog{s} here.

10. 20 new ways – yes new way to wear your pony tail here.




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