I was making the bed when he called. His name was George.We had exchanged a couple of emails regarding mining work. I wasnt expecting his call however this as I found out he was calling for comment.
Your doing a piece I said. I didn’t think he was a journalist. I don’t like talking to journalist without prior warning. Yeah he replied casually.
Have you ever lived, worked FIFO I asked him not that it mattered.
No he said then in the same breath he said so what do you think of the industries image. I wasnt prepared to do an interview let alone be quoted.
What image was that I said throwing the last of my pillows on the bed. I knew exactly what he was going to say but held out for something different.
That FIFO workers are heavy drinkers drug users have too much money and…he didnt get to finish.
To my fault I didn’t let him finish..treat their families badly I said cutting him off. Act like a bunch of red necks.
Yes he said what do you think of that? Is it true?
I was mad.
First of all I said every industry has a dick in it that will stereo type the entire industry. Every single one. Excessive drinking, drug use and ill treating of women is not a FIFO related industry that’s just all over. Football, defence, truckers, advertising executives and journalist it’s not just a FIFO issue however that’s not to say there isn’t any. There is always a small minority just like any industry. “The worst wheel on the cart makes the most noise” (Abraham Franklin) I said. It’s just that FIFO is an easy target for excuses and us FIFO’ers are big money right now. People are making money off us left right and centre because they can.
And your Support Sunday he said I didn’t even allow him to clarify. My Support Sunday is free just like my blog and is to Support men and women with any issue not just ‘FIFO’ issues. If you care to look last Sunday someone asked about frozen dinners another was FIFO but they can be any issues. Many of these questions could happen to anyone. Support Sunday is for those that don’t have someone to talk to. Our families are all over the joint. Many of us are to proud and frightened that we will be laughed at I said. Many people judge a FIFO’ers lifestyle choice.
Uh huh he said you could hear him scribbling furiously away.
I was so mad that my heart was racing. I took a breath.
And you know I said trying to calm myself. I can honestly say I have never ever personally met a man who work’s FIFO and is this ‘stereo type’ FIFO man. Sure some have their faults but the majority and I’m talking the 99.9% are out there in the middle of fricking no where doing it for their families. Most men that I know and including my husband who I shall have you know is a non drinker, a non smoker and will only take Panadol only if he has to- most are that way most drink with in reason some not at all. And many like my husband have their wives so high on a pedestal that sometimes we as wives are afraid of falling. I’m terrified of falling. I know the love my husband has for me and I’m terrified of disappointing him because he just does so much for me and our family. Most men like most wives are putting themselves at the very bottom of the ladder for their family. We they, he, are doing it for their family. These men are amazing people. Who work hard and make every day sacrifice for their family. They are honest, caring and loving to point of excess I said. As are there wives I said. Lets not forget the wives. This is a joint effort.
I rattled on because I could and because I was cranky.
I know more ‘civilian’ men who have cheated and taken advantage of their wives than I have those doing FIFO and I have been doing this a long time. I have seen more alcohol drunk by my dad’s builder mates than I have ever of my husband and his friends. And drug use? I don’t move in those circles but I’m sure its there just like it is in those of a rock stars. Every industry has its dirty secrets. Its personal choice how they handle their money and their recreational time. Their choice. It’s not a FIFO issue its a personal choice issue.
These men are awesome men. They are family men. They are husbands. They are fathers and they are friends who will give you not only the shirt but the skin off their backs if they have to. Give me a FIFO man any day because these men know and have learnt the true value of family and time. They have learnt to work a relationship not only with their wives but all their family members. And I guarantee they will put all of this over the value of a dollar.
I waited; flattening the top cover on my bed. An interview and a bed made I thought.
So does that answer your question about the FIFO stereo type? I asked him.
Right good is all he said.
I haven’t heard back from him yet.
xx D
{Image source here with thanks}