I don’t do new years resolutions so this isn’t a post about resolutions. Never have created them more than likely because I know myself well enough that I don’t keep them and so then know the whole circle of disappointment starts along with a big bag a Smiths Chips that will follow. So I don’t do them so I then I can’t get disappointed. I do however do stuff otherwise I wouldn’t be here.
So whilst I’m not one to preach resolutions I do know how to get the odd bit of change done so this year I am serious about making some personal changes (and well I spoke about them here) because I am ready and sometimes that’s what it takes but like getting anything done whether it be a goal or a change in yourself we all need a little preparation, research and planning; after all you can’t build something be it a house or create change without some ground work.
So here are five tips I learnt along the way mainly from my husband the ultimate planner, thinker and go getter into making, setting and getting your goals and making them possible a little easier.
- Write your goals or changes down and create a plan how you are going to get them. Makes your goals seem possible. It gives you direction and they become less overwhelming. Write your goal down/ the change you want in detail. Write down who,what, when, where and why for getting your goal done. Write down the colour of the underwear you will need if it’s part of the plan. Me I need a pair of big girl panties worn along with a piece of fierce on my sleeve.
- Having researched and planned create a check list and keep a journal to track your progress. It’s nice to see what you have done especially for something that isn’t tangible like being fierce. It also looks impressive to your friends.
- Tell someone what your doing sometimes (not all) when you make it public knowledge is gives you more motivation and incentive to do it but be aware if you tell someone and you don’t do it you make look like a gonna. I’m gonna gonna but never do. So do it. be picky who you tell; tell someone that will support you not offer you a trip to the Cadbury factory when your trying to create a healthier you unless of coarse they are trying to in still a sense of self restraint, even then that’s just mean.
- So on that note surround yourself with like minded people. People that will lift you higher and all that ‘jazz’. People with a similar good attitude and goal will spur you on.
- Be realistic about what you want to achieve. Not to dash your hope or dreams but if you want to fly to the moon and you set a time frame of December 2014 that may not be an incredibly realistic time line especially if you don’t have a aircraft, drivers licence or even an idea of where the moon is. After all if Richard Branson is having trouble reaching his gaols of reaching the moon chances are you might find yourself terribly disheartened come December 2014 and reaching for a bad of Smiths.
However if you falter never fear…start again…right now… this minute…or if you must finish off those Smiths Chips tomorrow is a new day…but better still put the packet in the bin now half full you don’t need another 250gms of saturated fat.
Xx Deb