a fifo wife {fifo life: a few things}


It was so hot over the weekend that I completely lost my cool Sunday evening and so I have vowed today not to go outside for the fear I may have to make eye contact with my neighbour and have to explain myself and behaviour and I just don’t want to do that.

Embarrassed is the word of the day. Sigh. I have however apologised meekly like a naughty child to my children. The was a better way to handle it I’m sure.

However I literally screamed myself hoarse at the boys because I had to keep asking them to pick up their ‘stuff’, refill the water bottles and to stop using the fridge as an air conditioner…although I see the temptation it’s not what the fridge is there for. So after the 50th request I lost my cool and may or may not have swore at them but that’s not the embarrassing part…I’m sure they hear worse in their grade two play ground the worst part was it was the ugly scream.

There is the ugly cry and the ugly scream…I reverted to the ugly scream to get my message across and well when used sparingly its rather effective…however just like its sister the ugly cry it does come with a certain amount of dignity lost to which the neighbours may or may not have witnessed.

Oh well.

So here we are the second week of January…Woolworths already has hot cross buns out but I’m sure it’s because they like to be organised compared to trying to squeeze every last dollar out of another holiday.

So having said that here are the few things running through head this second week of January.

  1. I woke up on Friday night thinking holy cow I am going to Paris.
  2. My husband tells me this trip to Paris is the honey moon we never had…talk about pressure…I was a size 10 when we should have honeymooned and a honey moon means lots of honey mooning and well after Christmas there is a bit more to honey moon with..Thank goodness I’m back to the gym today.
  3. Does that mean I get to buy some honey mooning attire?
  4. Finalised my will and funeral directions up last week because that the first thing everyone does when they are told they are going to Paris.
  5. I’m hoping that the skin cancer on my nose may have healed by the time I am ready to go… I look like a character from The Wizard of Oz?
  6. A pill that can prevent breast cancer how damn awesome is that news on a Monday morning?
  7. If I do these three moves I will look like her…an Olympian who is yet to have children…let alone three children all weighing in at more than 10 pounds each..Just these three Abs moves…will make all this better…
  8. A wedding reception held at the airport…
  9. Love this interview with Kate Hudson…
  10. This was I guess was worth a try.

Have a great day sweets…


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