a fifo wife {fifo life: thank you and wishing you a restful christmas}

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I am making this my last post for the year and it’s just a quick one of thanks. Thank you for being so awesome. Thank you for being part of my life. Thank you for helping build a great little on-line community here and on face book. A special thank you those that take part in helping make Support Sunday what it is.

Thank you.

2013 has been amazing. I cant describe it any other way; lame I know. I have learnt so much this year some the hard way, some with a ping and something with a really well what do you know? I also learnt that something’s in life will never be understood and should just be left as is- actually when confronted with these I just said its too hard and I don’t care enough. Neh its true.

Having said that; next year like this year is going to be awesome. I know it I can feel it.

So having said that I will be away from the blog for a week perhaps may be not the family is coming in and we are spending it here in the big house and then by the water eating, skiing and more eating but will be over at face book and instagram if you care to stop by and say hello.

So thank you again for helping make my year what it was..wishing you a restful Christmas week..

Big love,

xx Deb.

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