I love useless information the more useless the better. I don’t know why actually I do but have found its a great little ice breaker…seriously you will either create a crowd or clear a room with ‘hi my name is Debbie, I’m a lover of useless information and did you know? That the viberator was first invented back in the 1930’s to reduce hysteria?’ I mean whatever works right? To create a crowd and reduce hysteria!
So let’s see if we can create a crowd or clear a subscription or face book page with ‘ten things you didn’t know’ and of course why not start with the most talked about thing in the world. Sex.
1. A teaspoon of semen has seven calories…so next time you’re asked or assumed that you will ah you know… politely decline with I’m on a diet…every calorie counts now don’t they..Just don’t let them seeing you downing that New York cheesecake.
2. However if you are on a diet sex may be the calorie burner you need…200 calories per thirty minutes of active sex.
3. Sperm has the same proteins as what’s in your moisturising cream…it will tighten your skin and reduce your wrinkles…hmm I liken that to putting snails and pigeon poo on my face…but each to their own right?
4. In Hong Kong, adulterous husbands get more than a steep monthly alimony payment – a betrayed wife is legally allowed to kill her husband if he cheats on her – but she may only do so with her bare hands.
5. Want a better orgasm? Turn up the heat, in every way. The hotter the room, the fiercer the orgasm. Really? Note taken.
6. England’s King Edward VII, a man of considerable weight, had a special table built so that he could comfortably engage in sexual intercourse.
7. A third of all divorce filings in 2011 contained the word “Face book” Why am I not surprised.
8. In Ancient Rome, prostitution was not illegal. Not only was sex trade allowed; it was very easy to identify who was ready to sell it. The way you could tell a prostitute was by their shoe-ware. Prostitutes were the only women who wore high heels.
9. Australians on average have sex 1.84 times a week…I’m guessing the .84 is the almost got there but didn’t quite finish…because there are no fakers in Australia I’m sure.
10. At least 500 Americans die each year from asphyxia in an attempt to lessen oxygen flow to the brain in order to induce a more powerful orgasm.
And I know it’s more than ten but I know your all eager to know
11. The average sexual experience lasts about 39 minutes, including fore play…I did say facts and not myths right?
xx Deb