Tomorrow is a brand new start my mother would always say about Mondays and so last week after a week of bad moods, PMS (yes I am using that one), dealing with difficult, ignorant people and just having to deal with ‘stuff’ here we are on Monday rip roaring and ready to go. Because the reality is being in a cranky mood gets you nowhere. Just more arguments and you end up being like those difficult people that you’re dealing with.
So this morning when I got up despite my brand new start vow I woke up tired and somewhat cranky. A night of little sleep; with a sick baby, I had breakfast and went back to lay in bed with my sick B1. I listened to him sleep, he woke a little; he reached for my hand and I held it. I slept more soundly than I had all night his hand in mine just as I did when he was a baby and I have woke in a much better mood.
So here are the few things running through my head this Monday morning.
- I made a statement last night that when B1 started vomiting I was gleefully happy that daddy was finally home from work to see what work goes into taking care of someone who manages to makes his vomit projectile every single time. Joke was on me because serving in the Australian defence force and working on a drilling rig means you learn to sleep through anything. And even if it does wake them, they look pat and roll. God bless.
- Today is day one of the school term I’m delighted it has started just at the right time. The boys are the best of friends again. And me and the boys well even though we aren’t friends we still are; make sense?
- I flew out of Brisbane last Wednesday and the number of men and women who were inconsiderate to the airline staff and fellow travellers was obnoxious. Some FIFO (the hi visy shirts and monogrammed shirts are usually a dead give away you think?) others obviously not. I don’t understand how they felt it was okay to be behave that way. The amount of money you earn doesn’t determine your importance in the world or your acceptation to the rules- it just doesn’t. It does however make you look like a jack ass. A jack ass with too much money and not enough class.
- A boy I went to school with died before Easter Friday even though he was seemingly well. He went to bed for an afternoon nap before dinner with his sister and never woke up. He was 35 years old. The message? Live every single day as your last and tell everyone that means something to you you love them because you just never ever know when it’s your time.
- A friend of mine over the weekend recounted how her ten year old boy was approached in the public toliet at a major shopping complex in the city last week. I felt fear and anger for her and then for myself and for everyone that has children. However it allowed us to engage in positive stranger danger, how to go with their gut (not all strangers are bad) and what defence tatic’s the boys can use just incase. Have you talked to your kids about stranger danger? Its a hard one to balance.
- Scariest thing your child can say to you in the dead of night when he crawls into bed with you and your husband is away for the night on a training course? Is that daddy there mum. Who is that man standing there? Is it daddy. No matter how much you look and tell yourself its just shadows there is no sleeping soundly that night.
- PSY has realised a new song and dance. Yes it’s true are we not lucky. Sigh and if you are like me you are bracing yourself for it. Head here if you need to see it ahead of time for what ever reason.
- An Iranian scientist has invented a time machine. It can’t take you into the future but it brings the future to you in the form of a device as a big as a laptop computer. It has 98% accuracy. You can go here for more details however I’m struggling living day to day let alone worry about what is happening five years down the track.
- When my husband asked me to marry him it was beautiful, simple and something I will always remember but the pressure men have these days to make something so special and personal an event is mind blowing. Just have a look here at the lengths these grooms to-be went to. I wonder if they considered how high the bar is set for now..for everything forever.. I’m sure that’s what my husband was thinking when he chose the simplicity of Kings Park on a bended knee a week before being sent off to a war zone. I will however have that night as disastrous as it seemed at the time (a series of misadventures from the wrong restaurant to getting lost and arguing over directions to nervous laughing on my behalf) over and over again.
- Back in ancient Greece you threw apples at your chosen easy would that have been and you have a snack for later…the brides catching the apple was her acceptance her dropping it well there is nothing recorded on what happened there but one will assume she was fed to the more here for useless information
So that’s it my the words of my four year old you need to go to the gym mum so with that I’m off to drag my apparently over sized behind to the gym..
Have a great day,