I have been up since 1234 am the third night in a row. I don’t know why but coffee is my friend this morning. Its frustrating when you are tired want to sleep but your mind won’t turn off and when it does you drift in between that awake and asleep state which is worse. Typically my mind is not really even thinking about anything its just stuff. Why did I dream that? Why didn’t I ask that question? What the hell gives that boy the one I have known since he was a baby be so rude to me when I was only asking a question for his benefit? On the plus side me and the cat have bonded. Well as it goes I scratched his belly and like a typical male (cat) he just kicked his legs in the air for a signal for me to keep going. When I could do no more he got up and left. Oh well never minded. So my aim today is to wear my body out so much that I’m physically exhausted maybe then I will sleep because not only am I slightly PMS but I’m tired with it Oh yes this FIFO household is one happy place to be.
So having said that these are the few things running through my head.
1. I’m going for my yearly check up at the doctors today. Its the one thing I do for myself. I’m not sick but then neither was my husbands aunt when she went and look how that ended up. So if you don’t get a yearly physical do yourself a favour do it with full bloods, blood pressure and what ever exams are applicable to you for your age and back ground.
2. I’m having dreams about snakes. They are all over the ground in my dream and because I rarely dream I goggled it as you do. When you dream about snakes, chances are that the meaning of what you just dreamed about is related to challenging issues and feelings that you’re facing in your daily life. Right got that sorted then..huh?
3. A young man was rude to me this weekend and I mean rude. I have known him his whole life and all I was trying to do was help him to stop taking the soles off his feet as he rode my boys go cart down the hill we live on with no shoes on. I am so disappointed in him although not really surprised and that’s the most upsetting part because just last year I thought he was the bees knees. He was a loud cheeky boy and I liked him a lot but this was on purpose and hurtful. So parents there is only so much money in the world do yourself a favour spend sometime with your children it will benefit everyone three times over.
4. I called a dear friend this weekend after hearing that her family for what ever reason have felt fit to tell her that she doesn’t seem like their sister. She naturally is hurt not knowing what she had done wrong sounded more than a little sad. Having been their with my own much older step siblings and desperately wanting a relationship only to be told they have all the family they need I was hurt. It was then however after they failed to come to my wedding that I realised the benefit of having no family is I get to choose my own. My friends are my family and I think of them so. They support me and lift me higher every single day and I am seriously thankful. She this brave strong amazing woman and mother is part of my family and this is just a reminder to her of this. Ms Jones you are part of my family sweet girl and always will be.
5. The biggest lesson I learnt in life is someone’s actions and words are no reflection on me. None. I have not caused them to say and do anything. What they have said and done that is their choice how I choose to respond is my mine.
6. Mila Kunis is my newest girl crush aside from Jennifer Aniston and Sofía Vergara. Love.
7. Another reason when I die that I will be thrown in the fire. Two men in China have been jailed for digging up female corpses to sell on the ghost bride black market, making a tidy little profit of $40,000.00. Ghost brides is an ancient ritual dating back to the 17th century of burying newly deceased women alongside dead bachelors so that they can accompany each other in their afterlives. You can read more about it here.
8. Someone called my boys sexy once I was quick to correct them my boys are not sexy. They are children. Cute, sweet not sexy. Adults can be sexy not children. Seems Kourtney Kardashian’s son; Mason Disick a toddler has been called ‘effing hot’. Read more about it here but it may just leave you with a horrible unsettled belly like it did me.
9. Move over Face book here comes Pheed check it out here
10. Now men have a perfectly good reason for checking out your pins; they may be looking for the latest advertising space temporarily tattooed to your thighs. Although its not a new idea a Japanese PR company Absolute Territory PR has begun paying young women to wear advertising stickers on their “absolute territory” – the part of their thighs between the edge of their miniskirts and their high socks. Apparently this area of the female thigh is very popular with Japanese men. Once the ad is stamped on their thighs, they can get on with their daily lives, while wearing revealing skirts as often as possible and showing off their legs. Girls must be 18 years or older and of course have a Face book with more than 20 friends on their account..guess that rules me out..but you can read more about it here.
What’s your take on children being called sexy am I being a prude? Or friends over family have you ever been dismissed? Either way let me know in the comments along with sleep remedies that don’t involve a bottle of red wine.
So my dear friends that is my few things have a sensational Monday.
xx Deb