Girls night out when I was young before when I was me this use to mean trouble, so much trouble. Now much more subdued it means a movie, coffee and lots of laughing about anything and everything from does size matter to how low should you go. Girls nights out for me doesn’t happen very often and I mean once every six months. Im rebuilding bridges. It should I guess happen on a more regular bases once a month perhaps. It is a time when we can be about us. Not about toilet training or day care rosters. It helps with ones emotional state and as a fifo wife we need that to ward off stress, and depression. Its about being with other women who are in the same breathless situation of the fifo life or just same motherhood life as we are.
Last night was my first girls night out in eleven months. When I initially went out I felt an enormous amount of guilt. Why I don’t know. I had left my babies with their daddy. Daddy was happy to be spending one on one time with his babies. I wasnt abandoning them to have a series of scandalous evenings out, I was going the movies with a very good girl friend. But that was; it felt like, like I had abandon them. Fact was it did them good and it did me even more good. Fifo husband liked seeing me so happy as I walked in the door, I felt a little bit like me again and I haven’t laughed so much in ages and here is confession number six: I’m a twihard…yes I went to watch twilight breaking dawn..I hang my head in shame as a thirty something mother Im ashamed and happily guilty..ahh but despite everything wrong about that saga I love it. Robert Pattinson….so ordinarily not my type of man but ahh what would I do for you..
I had such a good time I had almost forgotten how to be me and how much fun it can be to be an adult.