Its been a day where everything has turned to custard. Routines out the window. It started with husband and I having a ‘word’ over paint. Paint for Christ sake. He left only to return with paint charts the crux of our ‘word’ I wont say who was right because he reads this and well if I oust him I may never get an apology. I then ran late for the gym only to find it was closed so walked near on half an hour to kill the time until it opened but I find it amusing I drive 15 minutes to use a runner, bike, rowing machine and cross trainer. I continued the late theme being late for arts and craft B3 was not impressed with me for making HIM late and told me so. Then we were late for swimming lessons due to me being late back from the vet the swimming teacher was not impressed and neither were the kids.
Then we lost the dog in town; I was near on having a fit. She got out of the car as husband was loading the shopping while I was at the pool being late so technically he lost her not me but have said we because we are a partnership and all that jazz so its we who lost the dog. I wont tell him that she has done that to me once before. Although I did realise that her little body was missing from my lap and was instead sitting patiently on the kerb before I drove off leaving her poor blind and deaf self in the Woolworths car park. I wont tell him; I will just allow him to read that here because that’s what he gets for telling me to calm down when clearly I didn’t want to calm down. That dog is my baby my poodle. She needs me now in old age as much as I need her. Fortunately someone had the good grace to take her to the local vet. She seemed very much unfazed by her adventure me however I am contemplating some sort of clinic.
The day has since continued to slide and I’m contemplating making trifle out of the custard that surrounds me. I haven’t vacuumed, nor moped, or scrubbed the toilet and despite it being close on 730pm I’m expecting my mother in law to burst through the doors in song as we speak you know just to add to the finality of the day. The kids have also decided to join in with making custard and hated my dinner ate it but pulled every face imaginable it would have been okay if I hadn’t made the same dish a dozen times before. Their bed time is 7pm however they are still currently in the bath fighting with each other.
Husband is screaming at them from the kitchen and after running all day I can smell myself and it is not pretty oh and whats that I see popped up on my reminder..a gynaecologists appointment tomorrow yes of course I do…
Life is bliss. No really it is.
xx Deb