The fifo wife {sunday ponderings: man scaping}

Okay so yesterday I had to head on over to one of the rental properties that we own and picked up the left overs that the tenant had left behind. They had left behind two toiletries bags, a his and her set. The last tenants where a lovely young mum and dad (by young I mean she barely 20 years old stay at home mum and he a 28ish mine worker).

What I found funny and curious was the fact in her bag was bottles and bottles of anti wrinkle, hand cream, shampoos, masks, firming jells all opened and all used. His bag was full of shampoos, masks, scrubs, sunsceen’s and moisturise’s. The only one open, the shampoo. They obviously were gift’s. Expensive but not one was opened. So it got me thinking ? Whats the deal with manscaping (oh I hate that word MANSCAPING it brings such uneasy images to mind) and men taking care of themselves? Why are some okay with it. Why do some men see it as ‘unmanly’ and ultimately too feminine? Which is so completly untrue fact is fella’s a little couldn’t hurt no one wants to date a caveman and I do know a few..yes fella’s you know who you are.

Truth is a little bit of grooming is good. Me? I like it to a point I like a manly man, rough hands, hairy chest (not the back I got to draw the line somewhere), dirt under the nails I love seeing the hints that he has been working hard but I also like one that takes care of himself, especially when I know its meant for me. Well mostly for me and a little for him. That’s okay, thats sexy.  If too much scaping is done for the him (and by too much I mean highlights and customised teeth whitening plates) and the general public run ladies it wont be long before your traded in.

I like.. no.. I love how my husband trims and waxes (he waxes his arms – he is a chef and hates seeing chef with food in the hairs on their little gross now I think of it), he works out, watches what he eats, will always check himself in the mirror before he leaves the house (the only reflective surface a man should look in )and he smells good all the time, he uses better shampoo and conditioner than I do (a sore point), and moisturises. I know that he cop’s a bit of flack at work by his less ‘manscaped’ collegues, so Im glad that he hasnt sucumbed to peer pressure and let himself go.

I have brought him scrubs and masks as last minute gifts but I always find them hidden politely in the back of the bathroom cabinet and secretly I’m so glad.I don’t want to have a lover that look like a prepubescent boy (can I say that..its true) or who has a better pedicure and manicure than I do.

So men a little bit of grooming is good for me and for you..wink wink nudge nudge..xxD



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