a fifo wife {fifo kids: birthday take two}

Yesterday was B1’s birthday and in the past we have only celebrated the once and it’s always been while daddy has been home. Celebrating on another day has been great and when the real birthday came around it comes and goes with no fuss and the kids have been cool about that. We have had only the one celebration because well it confused the kids to have two birthdays.

So when I said to B1 Wednesday night off handed like that it was his birthday tomorrow he was out of his skin excited talking cake parties, balloons and presents. Ah no that’s not how it works. That’s not how it’s worked in the past but I guess it’s been because 1. They have been too little to understand and 2. They did not really care. So I broke the news Bubba we had your birthday celebration when daddy was home. That was your birthday party tomorrow is just kind of a formality. The look on his face; you could have sworn that I just told him that Spider Man and Santa did not exist at all at the same time. I explained again.

He was good but not you know?

This was not how it was meant to happen. I was not meant to have an unhappy B1 on his birthday he was meant to be all cool and nonchalant. Like me on my birthday as I turn 35 getting oh so closer to 40. He had had his birthday and it was awesome. Feeling ripped off and deflated by not being able to have his ‘real’ birthday celebrated and me fearing that one FIFO husband may feel ripped off because he was not able to be here to help celebrate B1’s ‘real’ birthday because the disappointment that was looming meant maybe a second celebration was around the corner was also not how it was meant to be.

Now I don’t like anyone feeling ripped off because of the this FIFO gig especially since we had already celebrated the celebration. Husband had been here, shared in the joy that was the party, cake and candles as had B1 it was just not on the ‘official’ day. I did the same spiel I always do birthdays are not really birthdays without daddy just like Christmas is not really Christmas without daddy. And that daddy had to work otherwise there would simply be no party or cake and that was the reality of our world. He nodded he got it as much as seven year gets it or cares but the look ; damn, the look was horrible. Like leaving a puppy behind at the pound.

Crap was not the only word I said but for here it will do, so with a quick conference call to husband actually that’s an exaggeration for the post, I had to wait. I cant call into the rig which when there is an ’emergency over cake’ is a pain in the proverbial. So we discussed and the decided just to make the day his. Don’t deviate from our plans there would be no cake no parties not a really big deal (yes parents of the year) but his choice of what to do all day, what to have for dinner, where to go. He was boss all day of everyone…like mother’s day…after all it’s his birthday. Sorted.

The day proceeded as planned without a hitch and I did as per normal to ensure that husband did not miss the joy that was Mac Donald’s and the two hour bike ride which in reality was me screaming for them to keep riding those damn hills because its what he wanted and it was the only way we could now get home. I literally photographed and videoed the heck out of the day. To the point I may have over stepped the line and I could be mistaken for a Russian spy. It’s a mission or obsession I’m not really sure which either way husband got the pictures of the ‘real’ birthday which incidentally was no where near as fun as the ‘faux’ birthday. Mummy they all whined at me..I’m eating…yeah I know I said…but dad’s not here on your birthday. He has seen me eat a burger mum bubba replied. Smart Alec..just smile..eat the damn burger and let me take the picture I snipped back…it was kind of like that all day..see good birthday fun.

So last night during dinner I asked him what was the favourite part of his day? I expected him to tell me it sucked..there was no cake or presents. Not really a great birthday in the eyes of a seven year old. So he surprised the heck out of me when he said; all of it after all he was in charge all day (really I’m not sure what the difference is to any other day it’s just this day he had permission to be in charge). He had had a great birthday adding but its not really a birthday without daddy. That’s right bubba..I said becoming a serious contender for Moaning Myrtle…its not and it isn’t.

Seriously my little boy of seven really gets it..how good is that..

X Deb

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