a fifo wife {fifo life: me: its my annivesary}

Its my anniversary today not my wedding anniversary but the day I met my husband this day is the day is the day to celebrate. To be honest I didnt remember he reminded me on the phone this morning. I don’t often take notice of the day I’m lucky if I know what month it is and as corny as it sounds every day I remember and cherish what I have.

We met 13 years ago I was on a girls night out he celebrating a dear friends birthday. He was a navy boy and I was an arrogant little girl. His mates everyone of them whispered to me as we left the bar he is a great bloke, he is a nice guy. They were either telling me to treat him nice or telling me if I let him go I was an idiot. He was a great bloke and was the nicest guy but I had already worked that out. He walked me to a taxi. He sent me home. I liked him. I remebre sitting with him on the steel bench outside Woolwoths in Mitchell St waiting for a taxi staring at the size of his hands feeling safe. I had known him two hours had spoken just a few words but knew him and felt safe.

And they where right what ever they were trying to tell me either was true.

My husband is amazing. Amazing. When I met him I would often wonder what it was he saw in me how I got this lucky? I always thought a life time with this man is not enough. And I still think that.

He is funny, caring, compasionate and clever. He is an amazing man.

This amazing person makes me want to do better achieve more be better at everything. He is everything I want and all that I need.

xx Deb



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