a fifo wife {fifo life: me: 5 things about me that annoy my husband}

So I had a lovely reader ask me if my husband ever annoys me…because we sound so happy all the time..ahh no. I annoy him and he annoys me. Here are his top five things that annoy him about me and I will be honest there was more but lets no get petty and out of control shall we. It was interesting but once he started he found it hard to stop it was like the built up flood gates had opened up with my permission and I was fair game. Dually noted my fine husband dually noted.

1. I’m always always saying sorry. Its true. I would rather take the wrap and apologies than let some out of control argument go any further. I like to think of it as a way to diffuse the situation that’s just unnecessary but when I’m right I’m right and hell have no fury I let you know.

2. Asking to many questions..yes its true I’m a seeker through and through..

3. Stirring my coffee and tapping the spoon against the cup..he says he can here me as far as way as the bass staright and yes guilty as charged but its part of the zen coffee ritual. Its necessary like blessing the coffee.

4. Doing the dishes and not putting them away. I let them dry in the rack then put them away I have other things to do. Just for the record he refuses to buy a dishwasher, he hates them, so given that its me that’s washing dishes five times a day or more the dishes will air dry.

5. I leave bread crumbs on the bread board..I always get there just not when he wants me to.

All of that is true. Guilty as charged. But in all fairness here’s the top five things about my husband that drives me insane.

1. I hate the way he drives. Hate it. Although this could be a control issue for me.

2. He never takes my plate from the dinner table. Why not? I take his?

3. He has far to much gas for one person we could start a methane plant and our own green energy corp from his orifices alone although Im under the impression or so Im told its a man thing?

4. He occasionally forgets he is at home and starts using language and telling jokes that are best suited to the boat..’keep that for the boat is a gentle reminder’

5. He has far to much energy, far to much and he requires little sleep. Frustrating as crap I tell you.

Yet I love him and he loves me. That’s just the small stuff and why sweat the small stuff. Its more laughable and funny than annoying really..truly it is.

So my lovelies what do you do that annoys your other half and vice versa?

I would love to know. Come on tell someone. You know you want too.



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  1. Trudy Trudy !!! I was wondering how you where going!! Seriously annoying at times and seriously amazing how is that possible? I wonder it all the time…lol.And the gas yes…its been passed on to my eldest boys so much so I dont pack him dried fruit in his school lunch box..Im trying to save hime the embarrassment and the rest of the class the pain..lol…oh my poor baby….xxDeb

  2. Well I think I can safely say that the gas problem is a male trait that unfortunately was passed on to our children. Lucky me! My hubby has to have a nap every bloody day. I’d certainly like to. As for the washing up, let’s just say that he could do with improvement but I let it slide because he does do it when I ask him to. Oh and he goes to sleep in 2 seconds flat which I’m just insanely jealous of because it takes me forever! Other than that he’s awesome. Poor thing is in the bass strait too, it’s like an eternal winter between here and there. And one more, he snores bad enough to shake the house. Ok I’m finished now…. Promise. But seriously he’s awesome.

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