I know that I have been through being orgainised with meals but I thought I would start to share my weekly menu plan and give you couple of tips I swear by. I am organised at least on the food front. I just cant justify take out (that and its a forty minute round trip) too often and I feel so bad shovelling crap into my kids mouths every night of the week, its my version of neglect. Harsh I know but there are one to many large kids and we live in the country so its nothing but convenience food.
I write my menu planner on a Sunday night along with my other planner . My other tips are:
I actually try to cook two meals at once if I have the time so its just a matter of putting one in the microwave or oven,
I always make extra servings to put in the freezer
and if I have a quite afternoon I will do a whole bunch of freezer meals.
Its time and cost effective. Just knowing where you are at in the kitchen means you cant get half or all done the night before or start the morning of. Easy.
Grocery shopping becomes a breeze also.
So menu plans I know not terribly exciting but you know I share you share…yum!
Monday : chili con carne and rice.
Tuesday: pork chops and three veg with apple gravey
Wednesday: Lamb chop braise with mash
Thursday: Take out for the kids toast for me (Vegemite slices of butter on toast yum yum yum)
Friday: Chicken satay with coconut rice
Saturday: Freezer meal.
Sunday: Roast beef and vegetables.
So whats on your menu for the week?
Have a great Monday lovelies,
xx Deb