So one of my biggest fears of when FIFO husband is away is falling sick. I have been there once with a bout of food poisoning and it was the most hellish 24 hours of my life. Trying to care for the babies while I was resembling the fountain of David. It was horrible. I spent most of the time curled up in a ball on the lounge room floor cursing my mother in law. It was her version of marinated chicken that had got me there; how ever it was something I had snatched off B1 after I had seen the colour of the ‘chicken’. She made such a fuss that it was okay I ate it. It was not okay. Fortunately my boys where angels. Angels. And just watched TV and ate nutri grain for 24 hours as I nursed and cursed by way back from the brink of the toilet bowl.
Now I’m so paranoid I avoid eating out 72 hours before FIFO husbands home swing ends. Paranoid.
Now if I feel the slightest bit unwell or the kids are sick I start taking that inner health plus..its probably a placebo but it works for me (that is not an endorsement of any sort)
However there are times when nothing has worked and well whilst I was looking for something else on the big wide web I came across this . Ways to entertain your kids when your flat on your back (or sick) from the baby centre. There are 30 more but heres my top 10.
1. Newly crawling babies can play a mean game of fetch, which is lots of work for them and not much for you.
2. Your child and you set up a tent, which you lie down in. They pull out a pile of books and you pretend you’re camping
3. Have special coloring books tucked away that you only bring out when your sick. Also allow your children extra time on the computer and a movie.
4. Be the patient and lie on the couch or bed. Let the kids be the doctor, taking your vitals, bringing you “medicine,” and giving you shots with their doctor kit.
5. Board games are great, since they keep everyone mostly still and don’t require too much energy. Chess is one of my standbys. Uno is a good game, too; you can hold the cards in bed.
6. Play-Doh guarantees at least an hour of quiet. Even though it’s messy, letting my boys play with it gives me time for a nice hot, steaming shower, which then gives me the energy to clean it all up.
7. Put your kids in bed with you. Play with toys in bed or on the floor and nap together
8. Let your kids do something that’s normally off-limits, like drawing on the driveway with chalk. The novelty of the activity keeps them occupied way longer than usual
9. Make it a point to have juice boxes, water, and easy snacks ready for my kids. Fill each circle of a muffin pan with a different snack – fruit, cereal, cut-up meat, diced cheese, little crackers – and leave it in the fridge where they can get to it themselves.
10. Sometimes you just can’t suck it up. If my husbands away send your children to some one else’s house.
So My lovelies what do you do when your sick and the kids aren’t?

abc kids, abc kids and more abc kids… and then there’s abc kids with games on the computer. Like the muffin pan idea. Mez xx
I seem to be fairly lucky in that the children and I rarely get sick…perks of homeschooling I suppose, but on the odd occasion, it turns into movie marathon days. Luckily I have bigger children who can make the littlest peanut butt sandwiches and the like. But I lay dying on the couch or in bed and they amuse them selves. 🙂 B