So the office called yesterday. He goes back to work on the 1st of June. I’m not over the moon about it. I’m already running meal plans, rosters jobs and list’s through my head. List for ways to keep busy its my secret weapon. Yet I have been spoilt this month and it will be a shock to the system. One I’m not really prepared for or looking forward to. I have loved having him home this long despite what I joked about yetserday and yes it was a joke..really it was be it a slight reality of some.
Now I’m almost glum about it. Its like going back to work after a really good freaking holiday that’s literally what it feels like. What I’m dreading the most? The absolut thing I’m dreading…is the early starts..just like going back to work I’m dreading the early starts. I really do see this part as my job and I like to think I do it really well. I’m as passionate about this FIFO life of mine as Dame Edna is for sequins.
Yet when he is away I start my day at 430 am its the only way I can literally keep the crap together…somewhat. I have tried other ways of staying on top of stuff but I’m not that brilliant and well I’m also not a night person. So I am a little glum and I have exactly eight days to suck up the reality and get on with it. Glum or not.
He on the other hand I think is looking forward to going back to work. He loves his job. He thrives in his job. He does his job well and Im proud of him for that. This time its a new boat, new crew, adult stuff. Important stuff. He also gets to hang out in the big city for a few days before his new adventure starts.
That’s the difference between his job and mine there is always a new adventure for him.
I guess on the bright side the keeping up appearances will be easier. I can let my legs get a wee bit hairy and well I wont have to make an excuse for the redness and swelling as I return from the ‘spa therapist’ only the boys will see and well a little white lie to them wont hurt.
So my lovelies bring on the early starts and lonely nights..I’m ready for you…well sort of.
The 430 am thing yep I try…I just cant keep on top of it otherwise…I have a confession though Im a naturally early riser a traight from being the only child of working parents I had to get up when they did so I didnt sleep in when they went to work…been that way since I was seven shsss dont tell….my sleep in is 530am so 430 is not so just takes about a fortnight to get my crap together in the mean
I am So impressed, I didnt realise you rise that early. I have been trying to do that (so that I am organised) for like 18months and it still hasn’t happened and yet all my organised friends (you now too!) do it and swear its the way to be on top of stuff… I will just have to bit the bullet…The whole going again does SUCK :-((
Mez xx