a fifo wife {Give away: ardelle brow defining pallette}

My lovelies I have one Ardell Brow Defining Palette and stencils in medium to give away. The stencils arent pictured but are included (I couldnt find a product shot and well my camera skills are terrible)

My beautiful ‘spa therapist’ gave them to me last week while as I was preparing for a thing..which consequently involved a photo shoot..lol…that’s a nervous laugh there lovelies.

I asked her if I could have one to share with you as I have some deserving lovelies and well girls brows and lashes are my thing so here you are.

All you have to do is comment down there telling me one random thing about yourself..you have to comment to win it and then that will go through the random thingy mijgy and it will then pick a winner… I also only have one..sorry. It will close 5pm Friday.

Hope you are having a good day lovelies,


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  1. tulips…there is nothing nicer than flowers I will agree with you there..xxd

  2. Random ? I loooooove tulips, and owls. I think there is nothing nicer than having a vase full of beautiful tulips to great me as I enter my home. One day, I’d love to live near bushland and see/hear owl/s in their habitat. xxx

  3. As of yesterday, we have an approximate start date to get our house fixed from January’s natural disaster! 16 mths of fighting an insurance company had finally paid off!

  4. thats funny and very sweet all at the same time…lol..you wouldnt do well in my house Im afraid..geckos everywhere they provide the nighttime entertianment in summer..lol

  5. I am petrified of frogs and geckos….seriously…I am.

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