{a fifo wife} right now.


It has been a long time between ‘just because’ post. Life here is crazy busy. I actually thought life would calm down once the boys were older more independent but it doesn’t slow down it gets busier more hectic. The time flies by- too fast.

Mummies of babies. Take your breath now because life just gets better. Impossible to think that it does but it does.

So where are we at? At this very the moment it’s Good Friday, my mother is here down from Darwin for a visit, the husband is home and the kids are watching TV blaring at full ball. It’s ten o’clock. I did tell them to turn the television off at ten but that’s not going to happen and I’m not going chase them because I’m writing. I love to write and don’t do enough of what I love and so at the cost of consistency, I’m keeping my mouth shut.

However what else is new?

The husband’s contract start date got pushed back to June; slightly devastated was the word. We are trying to relish the whole 9-5 thing but truth is we are struggling to see the value in it given that it’s more 6-7. We never see him. The kids never see him. We and I mean all of us want our old life back and yet are trying to embrace the new. We want our life where its a hard slog for four weeks but the reward as far as we are concerned is great. The reward is that solid amount of time where he is ours. Ours. Work is work, home is home. We all miss it, especially the kids, it feels like we are treading water and we are starting to get weary. Its only been three months but it feels longer and so I wonder does that even make my blog relevant anymore? Should I change the name?

Me, I’m working the school, the avocado farm and helping the husband with his wee lawn mowing business he started. We started because he couldn’t find work locally and well it’s flourished. He intends to keep his regulars when he goes back so he has something to do when he gets back for his rnr and the boys will help him. Hopefully, the boys and I will be able to maintain them when he is gone. I was actually thinking last week that 12 months ago I was still getting better from a bad bout of anxiety and grief and how much better I am now.  Getting better takes time just like everything.

The boys are thriving. B1 got his first c+ this past term and is on top of the world. We also decided on a high school which has boosted his confidence and mine. The high school we have chosen is small, however, is rated the top high school in the Far North region. My favourite part is the have a  waiting list for teachers wanting to join them and they have the highest rate of suspensions around. I’m taking that as a good thing as it means the principal doesn’t put up with rubbish meaning the other students have an optimal chance of learning, bingo sign us up. So we have started B1’s merger already despite the fact it’s not for another eight months as that’s the key to these quirky autistic types, familiarity and understanding that things are going to be different.

B2. My sweet B2. For those that don’t follow the facebook page, insta or have missed it B2 had some mental health issues. A psychiatrist was brought in. We talked, we nurtured and decisions were made and now three months on he is almost back to himself. It’s something I will write about when I’m ready and he but it was incredibly scarey to watch our baby struggle with such a hard to understand illness.

As for B3 oh my goodness. I’m trying to recall how the others were at this age but at the moment it feels like he has hit puberty and yet he is only eight. I’m trying to fathom what I did differently because the tantrums and lip dropping when he can’t get his own way is driving all of us insane. He tells me {and it’s back up by his teachers and peers} that he doesn’t behave this way at school or in public only at home, lucky us I suppose that he can be so ‘free ‘ with us however it’s also becoming harder to take. I’m hoping its a growth spurt because he has grown almost half a foot in three months that’s a whole lot of energy to be used even before asking him to ‘behave’. Can someone shed some light could it be a growth spurt or it’s the whole last child thing?

Anyway, thats what’s happening around here just the everyday stuff called life but its good stuff dont you think? But tell me what about at your place? What everyday stuff is happening at your place.

xx Deb.





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