Someone typed into the blogs search engine today “positives about being a wife of a FIFO husband” and whilst some will argue there are any, there is always a positive to a negative. Its how the world works and the sooner you can find see it and live it the better your world will be.The world runs on the positive.
So here are a few of the positives I have come to learn from my FIFO life because FIFO has made me who I am its been part of my whole life. I am I guess second generation FIFOer if there is such a word. These however I think apply to any tricky life because life is always at some point going to be tricky.
- You will come to see that absence does make the heart grow fonder. If not fonder then certainly it will make you appreciate them more and hopefully, in turn, you. You may even fall even deeper in love for the sacrifices each of you are making. If you are like me however, I don’t miss my husband I don’t have time unless of course there is a in-between moment and then a tear will fall and an ugly cry will ensue in the shower.
- You will come to appreciate the value of time and how precious it is and not just with your partner but everyone valuable in your life. Don’t waste it. It is more valuable than gold.
- You will come to develop communication skills that only the UN negotiators could dream of. FIFO will test your relationship but life will test your relationship. Communication is the key to anything. It’s like magic. Emotionally you will grow and your relationships will flourish.
- You will find a strength in yourself that you never knew existed. On days that are tough will learn to ride it out and see making it through the other side as a blessing. Making you so much stronger.
- You will learn you new tricks that you didn’t know before like changing tyres, using drills and mowing learns. If you want to. Some choose not and that’s their choice and it’s okay.
- You will come to understand yourself better. You will develop a faith and confidence in yourself that only riding solo can only teach you.
- You come to understand who your friends are, who your family is and who is there to help you out on a bad day. The loss will either leave you saddened or somewhat lighter. Lighter is always better if you think about; you rise faster that way.
- You will come to understand that attitude is everything and there is no one else in control of that but you.You are in control of every action and decision you make. Call it mumbo jumbo but positive attracts the positive, its the way life works.
Life is tricky and nothing is easy you just get much better at it. See the positive over the negative and FIFO can give you much more than a monetary or lifestyle gain but a whole new way of thinking.
{image with thanks to here. Words by Debbie Russo}