Four free money management courses to help you become more money savvy..

I learnt my money habits from my mother and my father. My father was the saver. He taught me that putting away the smallest amount was better than nothing at all and that having money in the bank; no matter the amount brang a peace of mind only the security of “emergency money” can bring.

Those coins that accumlated in the bottom of his weathered duffe bag, the one he threw beside the velvet couch each night. That old green bag with its Telcom emble on the side pocket was like Mary Poppins carpet bag, good things eventually came from that bag as he counted and bagged those lose coins clinking at the bottom. My mother, the ‘careful’ spender of the two taught me how to make things stretch, make do and to shop around for the best deal. She also wasnt afraid of taking a loan to get what she wanted. From her I learnt what was worth the intrest paid she was so discerning about them. And when she took a a loan she was fast to pay it off. They never used higher purchase or a credit card.

My parents were savvy with money but they have done so with savings and their super annuation. The only investing they did was into their home and super; old school investing at its best. I wanted financle indpendence and more financal freedom than my parents had. So started investing in shares when I was 22. I then brought my first home, with my then boyfriend husband when we were 24 years old, having started saving for a deposit since I was 19. I knew then that land would not always be cheap. Since then we have added a reduced our investments and debt.

Now in our mid 40’s we are now in a healthy position. I must stress we are not wealthy, we are secure. I think it was a matter of knowledge and personal goals that we got here. Its also because of the choices we made yesterday, last week and the years before that. Still we are always adjusting our forward budget. We are always reviewing our goals and are activly intrested in where our money goes. Its also because of the lessons our parents taught us and the many financle mistakes we have made.

Thats not to say we haven’t been in financal distress,we have, but it was being able to budget that saved us. I have never wanted to be excessively wealthy just stable. Secure. To me money is a massive key in that, so Im self taught on money but Im always learning. I think talking about money educationally is so important, especially now, so lets start talking money more.

So if your wanting to know a bit more about money beyond the lessons of your friends and family and how to make it work best for you here are four free money courses.

Four free money courses

Money Smart. Money Smart Moneysmart is a Federal Government website, brought to you by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the corporate, markets, financial services and consumer credit regulator in Australia. Committed to helping Australians of all ages, backgrounds and incomes to increase their financial wellbeing. Through the Moneysmart website they: encourage saving, provide simple steps for the 1 in 3 people who feel stressed and overwhelmed by money. They encourage informed use of financial products and services. Increase retirement preparedness.
Find their website here.

Saver Plus. Saver Plus is a programme put together by the Smith Family, and helps Australians on a tight budget to build financial skills and develop life-long savings habits. The free 10-month program provides participants with personalised savings plan to assist with their education costs and includes group financial literacy activities. You must meet the criteria to apply.
Find their website here.

My Money Dream. My Money Dream is FNF’s award-winning online financial literacy training program. It has been created by Indigenous people, for Indigenous people to help you learn the skills for financial security and future prosperity.
Find their website here.

Money Minded. MoneyMinded Online is made up of a series of eight interactive activities that are designed to improve your money management skills.You can complete any of the activities at any time and at no cost to you. You don’t need to be an ANZ customer and ANZ will not promote their products or services. Topics covered by MoneyMinded Online include: Know yourself, how to spend wisely, clarify your goals, creating a budget, banking smart, avoiding dangerous debt, watching out for credit cards and superannuation
Find their website here.

xx Deb

** I am not giving financle advice. I am not a finacle advisor. Do not consult myself or google to make your financle desiscions.

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