How are you? It’s been a while between hellos.

How are you? I know it’s been a long time between hellos.

It’s not because I haven’t thought of you, because, I have. The world is just so crazy. Even though we have seemingly made it through, everything still seems upside-down or slightly tilted. It’s Alice in Wonderland without the Wonder.

But Im digressing. However, I have seriously missed being here and hearing from you. As sad as it may be to some, social media provides me with a connection to other humans that my life doesn’t seem to allow.

I will go into our happenings soon, but first tell me, what have you been up to? I would love to know.

So if you are in the mood, I love to know how you are and here’s a pop quiz.

How did you sleep?
A book/ TV show or movie you would recommend?
Something you’re looking forward to?
Something that’s worrying you?
What would you name yourself if you could rename yourself?

I have strayed on my gratefulness for digital and social media, but social media hands up have been good for me, and I have missed it.

Anyway, the happenings here in my household. I, or rather us, have seen milestones happen and the ‘stuff’ that goes with them. Some expected like the moody puberty blues, others no. All part and parcel of having all teens in the house.

The youngest turned thirteen in April. He seemed so little for so long, and now he is a teen, officially taller than me; it seems surreal. He’s getting ready for the next stage, and how I think, has caught me by surprise. For me, what has gone with that is shifting in my understanding of my place for them now and serious consideration of what we or I want next in life.

What else? The eldest is learning to drive, which took ages for me to be comfortable with. B1 is a great driver. Don’t get me wrong. It was the mind shift I struggled with. My baby was driving. I wanted to get things right for him, and I didn’t want to teach him the wrong stuff, but as he said, he has been driving with me for years; I have nothing to worry about. B1 also pointed out that he wouldn’t have passed his Learner Permit had he not known the rules.

What else? Well, they are all working now. They have a great work ethic and Im glad for that but time is fleeting with them now, and I am missing them already. Where the weekends were once filled with time together, now we now take snippets of quality time in the car between shifts and sports games.

It’s where the time is ‘going’- between their school, sport and works there is little time for family. Im super proud, but being such a close family that enjoyed being together, this is the part Im struggling with most. As they gain independence, this transition phase leaves me treading water a little.

However, that is perhaps an indication I need to start adding more to my life. However, with all the driving to and from their events, I struggle to find the time. Where does everyone get the extra time to invest in themselves? Because with all the additional driving I do now- oh my gosh, I’m genuinely struggling. Does anyone else find that?

But I better go but please, know I love you guys being here. You mean so much to me. Your incredibly funny, intelligent and offer me and others so much. Than you.

Much love

P.s For all my Paddington Bear and Queen fans, the sweetest video on the web today.

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