Wow, we are in the second week of school and the first week of February before I have even got something scribbled down here. Time is going as fast as the wrinkles are forming. We had such a great break over summer; a reward for the chaos that was not a Christmas. We went to Nz and I hope to write about it soon but that’s a bit like our Singapore trip way back in May last year. It is coming- I promise. I will get it down because like that trip it was gold.
I’m pretty much the same with New Year’s resolutions {there coming- I promise I would say} and its why I have never created them. In the past I knew that I would let myself down which previously would have added to the already massive self-loathing issues I had- yes its true and so I thought why should I bother. I have in the past created mini goals but nothing like “today on the first of January I’m going to lose 10kilos”. Instead, I have always been “meh I will give it a go and see what happens”. I’m also a firm believer that every minute you are alive it provides you with the opportunity to create change in yourself and ultimately your circumstances; which was but now is my ultimate line.
Self-loathing now gone I still don’t do resolutions, but I still believe every moment is an opportunity to do stuff for yourself and for me now ultimately my family. Since becoming “well” my family and its functioning have become huge to me; even more so now things are clear. I want so much good stuff for me, them and us this year but resolutions again still go against my grain but then I saw Julia Rothman’s idea for new years resolutions after it went viral. And I loved the idea. Its what I want for me and for us as a family- it achievable.
So I asked the boys what they want more and less of for themselves and as a family this year. I gave them a few days to think on it and this is what they came back with.
More of :
*game nights
*walking together
*movies nights
*to see their nana and poppa more
*more treasure hunting
*compete in more triathlons
*bake more
*compete in swim meets
Less of:
*less takeaway perhaps every second week.
*less electronic time
I wasn’t really surprised at their list with the exception for less take away- that’s my night off but I get it.
As for myself, I want to reduce my cholesterol further which is, in a nutshell, is a healthier me? It irks me it is so high and now that I have heart issues I need to fix that. I need to know that my heart is as healthy as I can have it be. I want more family time where I’m not cranky because I’m thinking of everything I need to do. Which I guess when you rationalise is being more present and I want that more often. I want more individual time with my husband where again I’m present and ‘myself’. I also want more education {and variety of} in my life. Different music, television, and reading. I also want my kids exposed to that too. When I was younger I loved learning but with life, and the loss of confidence it slipped away but now that I’m very aware that I’m not ‘secretly stupid’ I can’t get enough of opinions, ideas and facts. I also want more honesty in my life. I want to see more of my family in all forms because family is not always a blood tie and last year we saw so little of them. As for less of I want to be surrounded by less stuff; so I’m still on the decluttering path and I want less overthinking because it still happens. Its not an overly ambitious list I think.
When I asked my husband he couldn’t tell me what he wants more or less of but its an evolutionary and fluid list which is what I like about it and I’m hoping he comes up with something because he is the part of the epicentre that makes us up.
So if you were to create a more and less of wish -what would it look like.
xx Deb
more happiness.