So how was everyone’s school holidays? Ours were so much fun. We had planned to take a relocation van back to Sydney, but there was a slight change in plans after receiving word that I had to head to NZ to help out some family but that’s okay. We took our budget; spent it locally doing things we had wanted to do but never had the time or thought, and it was fantastic. My father was with us, and it was so lovely to be able to have the kids spend quality time with him. There was go cart racing, camping in one of the world’s oldest rainforests and then zip lining its dense canopies. Along the way, sight seeing in iconic Port Douglas and along with a trip to the city and movies. The kids, I think are exhausted as was I but here are some a few things that caught my attention.
The kids, I think are exhausted as was I but here are some a few things that caught my attention on the web this past fornight.
1. The world’s first three parented child is delivered. Here.
2. How to master Asian cooking. Here.
3. 100 ways to be more organized. Here.
4. Find your lost cash. Here.
5. Rubi Shoes is having a sale i Shoes MY: Sale Items: Up To 70% off
Have a great weekend.