{a fifo wife} a few things


Well my friends, the weekend is over..I love the weekend but in summer I struggle because we bicker. We bicker so much and it’s about such important stuff. Like using the fridge like and air conditioner and the bath tub like a pool – I know both very legitimate uses in 35-degree heat but you know it’s the increasing parent in me.

This Sunday we packed up and headed to a little place down the road called Innisfail being Sunday there was little traffic on the road, no people on the streets and it was a delightful stress-free day. We explored buildings, shops, got to see three cassowary’s a bird I have been waiting to see for 15 years and yesterday we saw them like they were chickens I felt like my day had been made in just that moment.

So it’s Monday morning and I’m off avocado picking because seriously I’m getting ready for change we are in that stage where its a matter of house keeping financially to get ready for what I think is a change coming. Warnings signs are arise and so I’m hoarding, selling off and tidying up.

But while I’m picking here are a few things that caught my eye..

  1. Some news on those that are allergic to peanuts. Here.
  2. Interior designer Jo Burstill lists her home. Here.
  3. A solution for picky eaters? Here.
  4. A free budget planner. Here.
  5. Lindsay’s new boy friend. Here.

Have a great day,


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