{a fifo wife} understanding why..


I have never experienced death or grief the way I have these past two weeks. For those that don’t know my dearest friend Nevada Jones suffered a stroke on the 13th of February and finally after a long fight lost her battle on the 18th of February.

Nevada was a mother to two boys and friend to many she was 38 on her passing.

Ms Jones as I have called her here many a time was the most beautiful of souls. There was standing room only outside at her funeral and people stood for an hour and half on the hottest day in February to pay their respects.

Like many our friendship ran long and deep right to the end and I have struggled with the why her? For the past weeks right until up we drove home from our attendance of her wake was I angry at the world for taking her from us. I would ask everyone why didn’t the ice dealer on the street corner die? Why didn’t the woman who beat her kids go? What was the point of taking this positive ball of good energy that we came to call Nardi have to go. This young healthy proud mum of two boys, that did only good why her?

The problem with myself when I’m angry I am an arse. When I’m angry my opinion is the only opinion and everyone else is wrong. So to understand why this happened at least in the smallest of ways is important to me and the safety of my family and those around me.

So this is what I came to understand over the course of the last three days.

On the day our beautiful girl took her last breath the lives of three others were saved through the donation of her organs. Three other families were not having to go through what her children family and friends were or are going through. Through her donation, a mother of two was saved with her heart. All transplants have thus far been successful.

But still why her? Because she was perfect that way because this is what she would have done and she did. Dare I say the universe knew that she was capable, that her family was capable? Because only good people should be allowed to grant life and my friends she was the best. Her passing was and is allowing another family to full fill their fullest potential to do whatever the universe has planned for them that would make her so happy.

So whilst it won’t ease the pain nothing ever will especially for her boys perhaps it’s with that thought some comfort can be taken in the ‘why’ for at least for now because grief is a shitty that way.

So my friends, I’m asking no in fact I’m telling you to consider being an organ donor. You need to opt in to register. Talk to your family about your decision to donate because ultimately your family can say no but if they know and understand your wishes how can they say no to being an angle?

I registered this morning to have all they can use and told my boys my wishes and will continue the conversation as they get older.

Follow the link. All you need is your medicare card and the understanding and blessing of your families.





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