I posted this picture of myself and Master D on Facebook yesterday and apparently I was baby wearing. And I was in fact wearing him in a baby sling that I made out of a sheet after all it’s been four years since I have had to wear a baby but I was looking after him and he was unwell. And being unwell he just wanted to be held however being twelve months old and a few kilos and I needing to do stuff something had to give. I had in fact forgotten how much I had relied on that sling when the boys were babies and it was almost the secret how I stayed on top of things with a baby(s).
I discovered baby slings when my PNG neighbour used it on B1 when she was watching him for me she had used a sarong that she had and I used that same sarong for all three of my boys. I must admit I never used it when they were newborns however she did but I didn’t feel comfortable but I did use it when they were older {from about five months} and could support themselves a little.
And I used it a lot right up until they were two and three.
I used the sling when they were sick, grizzly or just wanting mum because as babies that’s what they want. I had forgotten until needing it again for Master D how much I had used it and its one of the secrets to survival I think of being a mum and since I don’t believe in secrets I will tell.
I remember having B1 strapped in the sling and I painting the house he was 18 months old teething and getting the house painted before husband came home from swing. Using the swing it freed up my hands to get stuff done and today even with Master D strapped to my back I did the gardening. It used to make going out so much easier and I was able to exercise and B1 and I would walk miles a day with it and it was so good for ones abs’s and bum.
Traditionally slings have been used for centuries and still are being used westerners have just started using them but we have got all fancy with fabric and padding. And we have called it baby wearing something I only learnt today. I just called it a sling and getting stuff done. I did have a fancy one once but found it to tricky to wear and so I happily stayed with the sarong but it’s each to their own and it’s important that you make an informed choice when it comes to any baby equipment.
And whilst I’m not endorsing any of these options you should always consider the safety of you and your baby these videos are essentially what my PNG neighbour taught me…Excuse the horrid accent but she basically shows you what you need to do for the use with a sheet and this is a close up of the knot and my other favourite is the Moby sling although I never used it as a I never had the patience of the wrap but the African sling is another that my PNG neighbour showed me but I prefered the knot it felt more secure to me.
There are however I am told by the now baby wearing community there are a large amount of support groups on face book and retail options for professionally made slings however a sarong was enough for me.
There secret told.
Much love