I am confused as to whether we are week two or week three of swing; I’m betting its week two because I’m starting to go into that normal spiral that occurs between week two and three. So I’m betting that’s week two is where we are.The weekend came and went and was unusually eventful. Meaning we had lots on this weekend so it flew by. It’s not often that the weekend is chockers so it was nice not to have to think about that for once. Being the entertainment officer is the one thing that people forget that we are and that is probably the toughest gig of all. Providing something for all those different personalities.
My mum arrived on Sunday however she is unwell and I’m scared. I have seen her unwell but yesterday when I picked her up from the airport she looked like death. She has pleurisy her third bout this year and today I’m off to get her checked over by my doctor. Darwin has some great things great sunsets, great winters but its medical system is not one that its known for.
This week also sees me going south for work and then a quick jump across the ditch to Nz for a week to visit my aunt so now that mum is sick I’m super nervous and trying to determine whether to cancel. My Aunts husband passed away two years ago but still the pain hasn’t eased. i should have gone long before this. I should have I regret little and I regret this.
However these are the few things running through my head this third week of August ..
1. Life is good.
2. We are coming to our first month of trading for the shop and the support has been overwhelming. In fact I just added a third title to the shelves whilst the donation wont be huge we will be able to make a donation this month to Life Line {131114 24/7 support} and I am super excited.
3. My boys can’t stop saying they love me ..in the past week B1 has said it every single day and has even said it to his brothers..I am lapping it up..I cant get enough. I hope they stay this vocal and communicative forever.
4. I love having my mum so close by. Love it.
5. My boys have started doing Abc Reading eggs and its awesome. I highly recommend it.
6. If we all thought like this what would the world be like? here.
7. Images of women who changed the world. here
8. I saw this morning and it reminds me of how I feel most mornings. here
9. How beautiful {and affordable} are these prints. Here.
10. This is anything but my big fat greek wedding. Here.
Have a great week everyone.