Since I wrote about how to work at home yesterday I thought I would show you were I work from when I am at home. This was an ordinary bedroom turned office and my husband has done a pretty good job in making it beautiful.
Being an old home and having no in built cupboards (but 14 ft ceilings) he created a loft for so all our extra ‘stuff’ can be stored. It also doubles as our guest room when we need it and so the sofa is one of the pull out variety.
As you can see it’s full of ‘stuff’ but I love every single thing in here…and they have all been found on treasure hunts…or given to me with love.
The framed drawing is of my Josie who takes pride of place on the sofa and is now forever etched in pencil by a family friend. They are images of what she would do if she was the little dog that could.
The suit cases are my boy’s memory boxes and what you can’t see is my rack of vintage dresses some worn others will never be able to. The purple gown a gift for the baby girl we never had. My husband brought it on in the markets on his last deployment in the Middle East. The embroidery is far too fine to give away…perhaps a grand-daughter one day. The scissors my husband’s grandmothers while the masks are from our trip to Europe and a bottle of my favourite perfume.
Hoarder is such a harsh word when compared to collector…I’m a collector of old things.
So that’s my ‘creative space’ as someone once called it…care to show me yours?
xx Deb