You know I love useless information there is just so much you can do with knowledge that a flea can jump up to 30 centimetres. And so I also love personality, IQ and emotional tests why would you not? I don’t usually do anything about the results I could use them to delve into why I am always doing personality tests but figure they are just fun in a nerdy, geeky, quirky way so imagine my delight when I came across this one. It’s the Jung Typology Test and now if you are honest when you are answering the questions the result may surprise you.
I took the test and I am an INFP and I share personality types with Jesus Mother – of course I do- Julia Roberts, and JFK. Whilst I’m not relying on the reliability of it sharing the same personality type as Jesus mother gives me hope that my boys may turn out okay although being stoned to death and hanging out with the likes of Mary Magdalena is somewhat concerning but you know still some 1000 or so years people are still ushering his name and donating thousands of dollars to the world’s largest and most profitable company all in the name of Jesus- the son of Mary the woman I share personality traits with.
The personality test was interesting but what was interesting and kind of freaky was all of the career choices this test claimed I was compatible with (the exception of religious education- which whilst I don’t have a conviction with I do have a deep interest in all religions, traditions and beliefs- facinating stuff) I considered in high school to continue study in and it was large struggle between Psychology and Anthropology but eventually Psychology won in the end.
So be honest with the answers and it might just surprise you. You can take the test here it’s all just a bit of fun.
Xx Deb