a fifo wife {fifo life: a few things}


I just picked up the a new Ford Titanium Hatch (to use for six weeks not to keep) its part the Village Voices Ford choose your own adventure challenge I was randomly picked and never have I been randomly picked for something so awesome and never have I been so happy to be a random choosen in my life.. can you tell Im babbling..and my friends three hours in I lurve her becuase all cars are girls but I will write more about her once I have got over the excitement of the leather seats and the fact you dont need a key to start it.

So the few things running through my head this cool September morning..

1. We got the plans back from the architects for our reno..excited oh yes..

2. Discovered over the weekend old people can be just as rude as the young and if not more so but as a young person (in comparasion) how does one address them about it? When some consider it the right of being an ‘elder’..

3. Day one of the school holidays..its nervous excitement..how about you?

4. Mum you have feet like Shrek..thank you baby..I dont really know what to say but perhaps your right but they serve their purpose dont you think..maybe you should pain them *sigh*

5. There is a woman who swims at one of the nearby lake she has lost a leg from the mid thigh and has a metal leg..she swims every day and is fit..beyond fit and so damn sexy I think because of it..just the ability to get on with it and not let it become a disablement that is power in its self..something we can all learn from..so how cool are these prosthetics..so very, very cool..

6. There is a new JK Rowling film coming out..here

7. The best dressed for the Emmy’s is out..what do you think?

8. I dont think we got any horror snaps family snaps whilst we were on our road trip but I dont think these guys did either..

9. These people are living my dream..the only thing honestly stopping me..is my dogs they are like my children..this shall happen I am determined it will..

10. It doesnt matter who you are; you cant choose your family and there always be one thats different and proudly so from the rest..

Have a great day sweets and even better week..


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