a fifo wife {fifo life: fifo wife: the blogs second birthday}


I’m not very good with dates..they mean little unless they mean alot…like the 15th of September. The 15th of September 2011 was the day I started this blog. The 15th of Sepetember was the day my whole world changed and for that I am so grateful..I found my other place in the world..there are lots of places for us..the wife place, mum place, friends place but this was my place and I am so grateful. So everyone who has become part of the fifo wife family thank you for your input and positive spirit it has been life changing to someone especially me.

Celebrations will be simple for me..a coffee, doughnut and knowledge I have made some true friends.

So as birthday’s go I have a gift give away I wish I had one for each of you but I can’t afford that so instead I have a $50.00 Ella Bache voucher to give away.

Entry is simply comment on the blog as to whether you would apprecaite a monthly newsletter or not. Its a simple yes or no. Easy.

The giveaway will be open until Monday the 16th of September 8pm and is open to Australian and New Zealand residents..it will be randomly drawn with a counter thing..

Happy Birthday sweets

Big love to you.

xx Deb

PS I have no affilation with Ella Bache..I just know that they Australia and NZ wide and a gift card easy to distribute…this is not a sponsered or paid post this is a gift from one hard working grateful mum to another..

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  1. we did enjoy it it was wonderfully spent in the garden..thanks as always Jade..your time and comments as always is appreciated..xxDeb

  2. Thank you sweet..its apprecaited it..xD

  3. Thanks Sally for taking the time to comments sweet it always means alot…nothing is going to change sweet you have been as good for me as I have I hope been for you..xxD

  4. Oh, and of course – YES! I love your blog!!

  5. Yes a newsletter would be good, happy birthday Blog love reading you.

  6. Happy anniversary FIFO wife blog!

  7. Happy Birthday and keep up the great work Deb!! 🙂
    I regularly use FB, and love keeping up with you on here. I would prefer to do that rather than by newsletter format. Thank you Deb, you have provided much comfort and been ‘food for my soul’ in this FIFO journey. X

  8. Yes i would love a monthly newsletter thanks Deb 🙂 keep up the good words…

  9. Happy Blog Birthday Deb!! A monthyl newsletter would be great. Enjoy your special day x

  10. Yes, a monthly mag would be great =)

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