Its been a week since I was here.. feels like a life time. My folks are still here, husband is still home and we have one more week of school holidays. Bliss.
We have had a real at home holiday and its been seriously good. Lots of eating, sleeping in and playing add to that my mother is here so it feels like I have done nothing as she potters around making dinners and doing the washing. Its been wonderful.
So we are seriously all refreshed and ready to go; so here are my few things this first week of July..half way through the year sweets – halfway..
1. This trip (my parents) I have been trying to convince my parents to move here. My mother is in and would be here in a flash my father not so much and has dug his heels in and for the first time ever their is a little friction between him and I. I am by my accounts an only child. I will eventually be the one to look out for them and Darwin is just to far from here. The main reason however I want them closer is I want them here to be present in my boys life more often than just a few times a year. My father is a good man with good morals and values. I want them to know him as I do and have him them teach them things. Things he taught me. He however thinks that can be taught in three trips a year although as good as he is change is not something he embraces in his older age easily never mind its a work in progress…
2. We went and dropped the suits from the wedding back to the suit hire company. We were kept waiting as a man paid for his suit with three different credit cards and some cash. And whilst this is jumping too conclusions if you are having to pay for something by splitting it between four accounts perhaps that’s a sign you shouldn’t have it.
3. I met a true older mother last week, my first older parent encounter. She was 55 years old, her child just three. I put my foot in it several times. Ashamed and embarrassed of my handling of the situation; I assumed the child was her grand daughter rather than her daughter and whilst I’m not judging I couldn’t help but think how tired she must be. I was 33 when I had my last baby and I was tired and still am and I couldn’t imagine how tired and cranky I would be if I was to have a baby at 52. Congratulation’s to her.
4. I had a joke with my mother the other day. It was the first time ever. I was so excited that I pulled off my joke rather than her getting offended that I called my husband; as he is the only one normally that can pull off any kind of sarcasm, dig or joke with her. Perhaps my mother and I have turned a corner. Its taken 36 years but I am over the moon about that.
5. Once upon a time a holiday for me was a luxury hotel and somewhere exotic. Now its with my loved ones. Just being with them is my holiday and it doesn’t matter where we are or how expensive the linen on the bed is. How things have changed.
6. My oven is working thank goodness and I am currently baking a Donna Hay chocolate Mud cake.. so easy to make but baking time is and hour and a half..needless to say how beautiful the house smells (let alone how warm it is) on a chilly winters morning..recipe will follow if its any good.
7. Hair stockings..a method to keep away perverts..and everybody else..urg gross.
8. This is kind of love and appreciation I want my boys to have for each other..this little video whilst four minutes long will make your Monday morning.
9. Its 4 degrees in my kitchen and if my husband didn’t find them so unattractive I would be wearing a onsie right about now..
10. I love the ankle boot but have never really known how to wear is a little slide show to show you how in case you like me are just finding their style.
Well that’s it my sweets. Enjoy your Monday what ever you may be holidays or more work. I’m off to mow the lawn and weed the garden. The joys but tell me..has anyone’s parents moved to them? you always hear of the kids moving closer to the parents; tell me the opposite does happen. And what’s your idea of a holiday and does anyone own a onsie of the adult kind because I seriously want will be husband at work attire.
xx Deb