The weekend is over although it still feels like Sunday which is why its taken me all day to get this post written. The family has been and gone with the exception of my folks and the husband..eeek bliss. It feels so wonderful and lazy.
So the house was bursting with 26 of us. It was amazing. It was a glorious weekend. The bride beautiful, the groom happy and the wedding as it should be bringing families together with goodness and the common bond not of family but of love and it happened in more ways than one.
So after such massive weekend here are the few things running through my head this last week of June. Yes last week my sweets. My kids are already talking Christmas but then I don’t think that ever stops.
1. Its all most tax time let the good times begin. If your not ready, start now it makes it easier down the track. I am the tax time queen because I need every cent the government gives us of our money back. Head here for a fantastic little check list.
2. You make a crap load of money what are you whinging about was said over the weekend…why yes we do make a crap load of money..but I myself don’t make any money so my husbands salary is actually what I would have made had I been working so its two salaries in one but is taxed at 45 cents to the dollar..we also have three children..and a household to run as well as several others so to get some of that 45 cents back that the government takes to run the country..we also don’t qualify for any government subsidies and yes its all our I’m not complaining..but don’t assume we are rolling in the money and that I don’t look forward to tax time like every other hard working bugger..or that paying $1000 in suit hire wont hurt just a little..
3. Had the best evening with my husband on Saturday night we danced until I could dance no more..he however the ever ready energizer bunny just kept going and going and going.
4. Never buy cheap high heel shoes..ever.
5. Discovered that the slimming underwear really does slim you down a dress also a great mood killer for you know wink wink nudge takes as much time as pulling off a wet wet suit. By the time its off your partner is either asleep or is having convulsions of laughter and well the mood has all gone. Sigh.
6. Want some amazing news about HIV and childhood cancer? Then you must watch this video. Even if don’t want to know about child hood cancer because it doesn’t affect you watch it for the fact its good news and good news can never bad especially when a child’s life has been changed. Sometimes a long shot pays off watch it here.
7. North…that’s Kim and Kanya West baby…North West…ahhhh I guess they had the babies best interest at heart..
8. Meet Ripley the great dane just because I like great Danes.
9. They are now placing red wash cloth’s in kindy first aid boxes instead of using white ones so as to stop the children seeing the blood when they hurt themselves..sigh..because seeing and knowing that they bleed is to traumatic..its just like knowing that meat comes from cows..lets just raise a society of ill informed ignorant soft children shall we?
10. KFC 11 herbs and secrets revealed..maybe? Haven’t tried it myself..have you?
Have a great week I said my folks are here so I’m in folks and the kids on holidays..could life get any better? No I don’t think so.
Tell me what do you have planned for the holidays? Are you going away? Or staying at home?
xx Deb