Just a quick post to say thank you for the emails and phone call to make sure I was okay. I am truly humbled that you ladies took the time from your day to check in on me.
For those who haven’t missed me its okay you have not missed much as I haven’t posted since last week.
I write each morning at 430 am and very rarely do I schedule something in fact never – I did once and it was a disaster however that can be it was .
This week saw me in Brisbane until Wednesday night and on my return I just felt a little blah. You know that feeling when the big bad worlds reality getting to you? Do you know that feeling?
I do have drafts ready to go but they have to feel right on the day. I usually rewrite them and post but nothing has felt right to post and so with honesty as my guide ‘a fifo wife’ went empty because that’s how I have felt just a little out of sync. A little spent. Frustrated with the world and simply wasn’t in the right frame of mind to post so I didn’t.
I did try but like a stunned mullet nothing came out but this morning I awoke to a couple of emails ( your an intuitive lot) and then a phone call from my Miss Mez a beautiful woman I have met through ‘a fifo wife’ checking I was okay. I have never have I felt so loved well perhaps there has been others but you get the drift.
So thank you ladies your simple act of an email. You taking the time to sit and type you have pulled me from my self indulgent mood. Thank you I am so very thankful. Consider it your random act of kindness for the week.
We will be back to normal Monday I have missed you.
Have a wonderful weekend.
xx Deb