a fifo wife {a fifo life: fifo kids: B3 turns 4}

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Dear B3,

What can I say you turn four today. I am not ready for it my last baby is officially no longer a baby it brings a lump to my throat that I am having trouble containing.

You my sweet boy were destined to fill that empty chair in the kitchen long before you arrived on the 02.04.2009 at 2pm. You like your brothers have taught me so much. That parenting is not an exact science and each child must be taught and shown differently. You have challenged me on every level. My patience, my parenting and my own intelligence.

You are a clever boy. Loving and sincere. I love how you climb into bed with me every morning at 2 am and how you say I love you mum without cause. Please never ever let that stop; well maybe climbing into my bed..but you will know when that will be and until then I will relish having you snuggle into me and whisper to me as you drift off to sleep I love you mum. I wait for that.

You love to dance, sing and play the drums. Scooby Doo and dinosaur train are your thing right now and I love how we watch Peppa Pig together in the afternoon because its your favourite and mine.

Everything is your ‘favourite’ just as you are mine.

You are my favourite number three boy.

Happy fourth birthday baby boy,

xx Mum.

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  1. Happy Birthday to your big boy Kristy..imagine the birthday you will have when dad comes home! We always have the birthday when dad is home..nothing is without dad but you know that..we celebrate just the once and make it just as the day should be crazy fun all about the boy..for them at this age it doesn’t matter what day they celebrate on as long as its celebrated well that’s what I have found..the ‘real birthday’ if daddy is away we treat as a private reflection for us.. which I have come to love..would you send me your postal details would love to send your Baby a little something for your celebration for when dad is home? debbie@thefifowife.com.au xx Deb

  2. Lovely. My BIG boy turned 4 on easter Sunday with dad away FIFO it was the first birthday we have ever had apart let alone be our childs and no family around it was tough & emotional but I mare sure he was happy.
    Happy birthday B3.

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