How was your weekend my lovelies. Mine was just peachy..yep I actually said that peachy, well it was. Finally it has started to cool down. The weather is bearable you can move without breaking a sweat and I do believe I spent much of my January in front of my fan cursing ourselves for being too cheap not to put a air conditioner in. Which by the way can you believe it? It’s February already, where the hell did January go? It came and went without so much as a hello. I haven’t even got item one scratched off my to do list yet.
Yet here we are so here is a few things running through my head.
1. Its February the month of love. Now I’m not a huge romantic I will leave that to my husband. Romance makes me feel a little lets say embarrassed it goes along with that whole public displays of affection crap. I have however instead decided to make this pay it forward month so I’m sharing the love sort of. So this is in other words do something nice for someone without the need for it being returned. A little random act of kindness gig. I’m aiming for one a week and so far it worked out well compared to the last little effort I made last time.
2. Husband is home in a week. I thought it was another two weeks. My plan to drop those 2 kilos I put on over Christmas is going to be a little harder than I thought.
3. It seems Prince Harry just cant cut a break. Seems the young lass Carrie Reichert he cavorted with in Las Vegas whilst playing strip poker is writing about her experience because she needs to get her side of the story out. What more needs to be told she was lucky (or clever enough) to get naked with one of the worlds most eligible bachelors. She didn’t play her cards she didn’t end up as his girl (who would of thought) right I don’t think there is any more of her story to be told. However it gets better there are several others famous ‘gentlemen’ to be named and shamed because a girl who voluntarily parties in next to nothing with these gentlemen needs to tell her side of the story to clear her name.
4. On my morning walk this morning my very sweet and demure but geriatric looking poodle rolled in a very dead and maggot infested bat. She took great delight in rolling about in the very liquefied mess ensuring that every inch of herself was covered in a stinking filthy mess. The message still never judge a book by its cover. She may look like a million dollar princess but just like any other dog just likes getting a little dirty.
5. I was at the lake yesterday with the boys. It was packed with families. There were two women arriving separately wearing a Brazilian thong bikini thing; unusually for my countrified area. They wore it and wore it well. As you have to with those things. They had confidence and the whole strut thing going on. Now I don’t care a real lot although a number of women did; had my boys pointed out I would have explained its a swim suit of sorts and depending on their reaction may or may not have moved but what I found disappointing was the number of men, fathers, husbands and boys squirming. Not knowing where to look not trying to look when the reality is a swim suit like that kind of screams look at me. It does seem a pity that seen looking may deem you as a pervert which in 9/10 men is not the case.
6.Woke at 3.30am. I don’t know why.
7. I decided this past weekend to reduce my coffee intake. I drink only three a day and dropped down to one…in one day. Stupid idea for the entire weekend I had a hangover and felt like I had gone three rounds with Ali notice I didn’t say Mundine wouldn’t have packed the same ahhh I thought it was funny.
8. Its a tight week for my budget this week and I mean tight. I have so many bills ie rates, insurance, swimming fees and the rest of day to day living that all I have to do a shop with is just $60. So some may feel this is doom and gloom- me its challenge set. Game on. How many ways with rice?
9. I want to know who did this research : a study found that men who spent more time doing “more traditionally female” household chores like cooking, cleaning, and shopping were found to have less sex than those who didn’t. Obviously they didn’t come to my house watching my husband mop the floors is a smile guaranteed.
10. Did you read about the woman in Brazil who tried to kill her husband by inviting him to have oral sex with her ‘poisoned vagina’? She had to fess up in the end when the husband refused sex because it (her vagina) smelt funny and took her to hospital. My question is what the heck would you put on there that wouldn’t kill you too? Never the less the husband is now suing her for attempted murder. You can read more about it here.
Well that’s it my sweets. Hope your having a great Monday..
xx Deb