Its the last week of the school holidays and despite the love I feel for my children I will say this thank goodness. Another week and I think I will have been institutionalised. Its a me not them situation. Currently they are making a fort in the lounge room using my favourite blankets, mop, broom and a god knows what else but they are playing together. they are working together not watching the TV and having fun.
So whilst they are distracted for the first time in a little while here are the few things running through my head on this fine Monday morning.
1. These school holidays have been the best so far ever and I am grateful. So grateful for that. It has allowed me and my husband each time with the kids together and alone and its been amazing. I’m already planning the next ones despite looking forward to the sweet end of these.
2. We travelled to the ‘outback’ last week. I have a new appreciation for mobile phones, broad band Internet, hospitals, the postie and water.
3. Its been several years since I have been confronted by a 50 meter long semi heading towards me at full pelt on a one lane goat track. I wish the only word I said was goodness when I saw him coming around the bend. It was not the only word and the kids have been repeating it ever since I am trying to ignore it. Luckily I don’t freak out easily and so had the common sense to slow down (even though he felt he didn’t need to attempt to slow his 88 ton machine) pull over onto the verge rather than play chicken to which Im sure I would have been the loosing participant.
4. I bet however that the older gentleman who made the foolish decision to pull out in front of a on coming semi to gain a car length after some road works did have a slight freak out. When will people understand you don’t over take on bends, on a hill, pull out of or in front of a very large truck. A truck takes meters and meters to stop they have 11 gears to go through, play with your own life not with those around you.
5. I wonder who invented the one finger wave. Is it Australian or universal I never took any notice when I travelled through Europe. What I do remember is the number of men reading the newspapers or dirty magazines whilst driving on the free ways through Italy.
6. When Jamie Oliver sprinkles his parsley or what ever the hell he is sprinkling 2 feet from the plate does he make the same mess I do?
7. My husband finally has a mobile with reception out on his current rig. He swapped over to Telstra sorry Optus your reception is terrible. Normally due to fire regulations there is no mobiles allowed. This is the first swing ever. Ever. I have been allowed to call him. Me call him. I can leave a message and have him call me back. Its so damn exciting I call it just to hear it his voice and hang up just like I did when I was teenager and had a crush on one of the Mayo brothers.
8. Have you seen the you tube video of the two Dutch TV presenters having simulated labour. My only quip was it only went for two hours because they couldn’t take it any more. They should have been made to stick it out a little longer and they should have been wearing a fat suit. Being able flip and flop around as easily as they did proves it wasn’t a very good simulation. I was strapped to a bed for ten hours and as much as I said I cant do this anymore no one came to my rescue in fact my doctor had the gawl to say what would have you done a 100 years ago (turns out I would have died but you know) although seeing them pant through a ‘labour pain’ on all fours still made me giggle.
9. Covering school books with contact is the universes version of karma for the thoughts you had of how to loose your children for a few hours during the school holidays.
10. I discovered Roses Lime Marmalade whilst visiting the cousins in the outback. Oh my goodness where has she been all my life. Not to sweet not at all sour she is just yum and too think I had to travel to back of beyond to find something as delicious as that to put on my morning toast. I’m now on the hunt for a recipe if you have one please send it to me here.
Well that’s it my sweets,
Have a great Monday talk soon.