Every one needs a hand to get where they need to go in life and there is no shame in having some support, some guidance its …how we learn grow and get places.
So starting today each Support Sunday will be different some FIFO specific others not as I know many of you are not FIFO. Support groups can range from ADHD, RSPCA, Life line what ever it may be but it must make a positive difference to someone’s life.
So each will be posted to the blog under Resources also.
So if you know of any groups that will make a positive difference to someone’s life message me and I make post the details.
This Support Sunday is for a little known FIFO/DIDO support group in WA.
Kristian Italiano has been a FIFO wife for eight years and is the coordinator of a FIFO support group in south west WA.
They have created a FIFO/DIDO support group for the South-West area from Mandurah to Augusta. They are a Non-For Profit group and the group is not public for the security of families. They currently have 320 members on their page. They have taken a break over Christmas but will be meeting again early in the new year. They also have a FIFO/DIDO playgroup and catch up weekly for Sunday Sesh drinks;). You can private message Kristiana Italiano for more info or mobile 0419097596.
Have a great Sunday!
Was just thinking of you! and You to lovely..hope the kids all had a great Christmas..xx Deb