We had a bout of vomiting in B1 last night a case of heat exhaustion I think which was then faithfully followed by growing pains in B3. His first case of growing pains. Not knowing what this immense pain in his little leg was set him into complete hysterics although Panadol and rubbing his legs until he fell back to sleep did the trick however needless to say I am very much a tired little crazy mummy. Thankfully the milk is fresh and so far the weather is still cool. Yet being a little weary here is what has been running through my head since 12.36am this morning.
1. The word FIFO is like the word wedding everything doubles in price.
2. I am racking my little brain trying to work out what to get my boys teachers for Christmas this year. I thought I could make something given my attempt with the glue gun was a roaring success. Ideas anyone?
3. Yesterday someone asked me about by B1’s school concert and before I could stop myself I admitted I couldn’t wait for it to be over. I loved watching him and all the other children. It was cute and funny and don’t get me wrong I enjoyed it. It was just (shall I dig the hole a little deeper?) they seemed to go on forever and I was tired and if I must admit it I was little unwell from too many late nights and vodka collin’s from the previous evening and just to clarify I’m a two glass giggler but still I am not winning any prizes for mother of the year.
4. ‘Don’t push your luck baby’ my baby said with his finger pointed and a look that could kill when his eldest brother said he couldn’t help him put the dishes away. Put him in a house frock and he could have been me. It made me smile from ear to ear for hours.
5. I have nothing to give B1 and B2 for lunch today. Nothing. I am old Mother Hubbard the cupboards are bare yet despite that I still don’t want to go shopping today. I just don’t its to hot but don’t fear I will because it seems telling the kids we are being multicultural three nights in a row by giving them couscous because it’s the only thing I have left doesn’t seem to be cutting it.
6. I put up the Christmas lights over the weekend. My efforts of becoming an acrobat contortionist as I climbed up and around the veranda railings were clearly not enough apparently I need to get on the roof and ‘they will catch me’ if I fall.
7. Telling me I need to wait for a man to get home to back the caravan into the driveway is like setting me a challenge. I can now back that sucker like a truckie.
8. Christmas cards were so much more fun when it was just my own.
9. I’m no shock jock its not my aim to offend anyone or hurt anyone that’s not my karma. This is seriously what wonders in and out of my head and often out of my mouth but I am wondering how many ‘friends’ I will loose from comment number 3.
10. I live across from a school and every morning as I do the dishes as I watch parents drop off their kids. I love seeing how tired mummies transition back into their former selves and become yummy mummies. So to the young mum who drives the green hatch back with three kids in case I don’t catch up with you I want to tell you something. You look sensational today.
Have a great day my sweets,
Xx Deb