a fifo wife {fifo life: a few things}

It feels like an eternity since we last spoke. There is so much going on in my little brain that I want to tell you but really is there enough to sustain a ‘post’ I don’t think so. All I know is I have missed this have missed you but here is what is rattling around in my brain right now.

1. Sunday afternoon husband left for work despite all the coming and goings of the last week and as I was tucking the boys into bed I wondered does it make me a bad person for not missing him. For not needing him to be here. I like to think my strong willed and independence is what he loves about me because taking him to the airport really does feel like I’m dropping him off to an office block even if its for four weeks.

2. My baby boy is going to kindergarten next year. I’m excited, he is excited. My eldest boys said to me will you be crying again mummy? Yes I think I will.

3. I want to buy Jamie’s 15 minute meals..lately I need all the help I can get.

4. I’m wondering if I need to send Santa my Christmas list or will he know I want a basket for my bike, some pretty slips in any colour for under my dresses, a hotel dinner date with just my husband and me then a weekend at the bouncy bouncy place with my husband and my boys.

5. I’m looking forward to decorating the house this year for Christmas. I’m even going to get crafty and make my own advent calender out of paper bags. Crafty I am not but I cant do the crap chocolate in those store bought things any longer. It has to stop even if it means buying a glue gun.

6. My husband told me I have a big bum..its part of the deal we have when one of us starts to ‘slide’ we will tell each other…I’m currently tobogganing down the hill faster than I care for but its okay..it was the perfect opportunity to tell him he had love handles.

7. I cant do the mullet any longer and have booked an appointment to go short. Shorter than I have ever been. I cant wait. I don’t think I could do the comments..can you wear a hat? for another month..

8. We went snake and dinosaur hunting yesterday in the rain forest. I hate leaches as much as ever and even with my gum boots on (much to my boys disgust but it was either those very unfashionable statement pieces or no hunting) they found me and followed me home. The boys found one in my toilet. Needless to say my legs have been crossed since the boys screamed this morning in excitement that a blood sucking leach was living in the toilet and could we keep him. Unless his name is Edward and he sparkles in the sun the answer is no.

9. I received my first Christmas card from my favourite miss Jones and I cant wait to get more hint hint nudge nudge..

10. I just caught a glimpse of my eldest boy in the school yard and it has made my day.

So that’s it my lovelies tell me whats new in your world tell me please..in..

xx Deb


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  1. Harmony,
    Im sorry for the delay..I really appreciated your kind words and taking the time to message me it means so very much. I love doing my blog and if my hiccups in life can help anybody that’s great but really its me that needs to be thankful. Thank you for telling me abit about yourself I love hearing it..its important..not to me but everyone who reads my little blog.
    Thank you again Harmony..I hope you do make that Christmas wish happen its the most important thing we can do for ourselves,
    xx Deb

  2. Hi Deb,
    I just wanted to let you know that I have just started to read your blog and am loving it. It makes me look at the FIFO lifestyle a little differently and makes me feel like its ok to love it! Which I do. Thank you for being so real!
    My partner does 28 days away and 24 days home. We have a little boy who is turning 2 in Jan. Im lucky that I have my mum live with me (she does have a full time job and I keep the hoouse running so its just nice to have someone walk in the door.) and I have my saviour which is my younger brother who comes and spends quality time with my son so he doesnt miss out on the rough and tumble while Dad is gone.
    I was sad to read that your family has been having a tough time and this is why I had to stop just reading your blog and say a hello.
    I hope that you have a magical xmas, one of your wishes is the same as mine, to have a night with my man. I might just make that happen.
    xoxo to you and your family

  3. Loz…thank you my sweet you have made my day..truely. Love hearing your kiddies are bug hunting how wonderfully cool is that and enjoy that time.
    Im stragically planning my christmas light show in my head..I like it to look elegant and pretty..I usually loose out to crass due to the over exuberance of my boys but its their time not mine..lol. As for santa I hope he brings you all of that and more.
    And yes its true its does make one stronger and for that I am thankful.
    Thank you for putting a smile on my dial,

  4. Hi Deb we are in Xmas deco mood too, have the tree, the boys and big boy “found” it yesterday, still no decos on will have to do that tonight:). Outside lights are up on our Huge red ember tree, I think we need about 10 more sets though to do the tree justice lol.

    All I would like for Xmas is a weekend with my man, and a big family camping trip around the Kimberleys at the end of 2013. Better start saving………

    I have been loving that barbecue weather is back, Easy peasy dinners!

    Currently 3 kiddies with dad bug hunting and swimming while miss 10 at a bday party. Yay a lil time for me:)

    Sending you love at this hard time. We’ve just gone through a crisis the last 2 weeks and I found this quote which made me feel a little stronger.
    Through the storm, trees grow stronger roots.

    Take care Loz x

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