B1 turns seven years old today. Seven. Typically I don’t know where the time has gone. My B1 is an amazing boy but all children are aren’t they?
B1 is so different to my other babies. He is quiet. He is strong. He is wary. He is kind. He is a mummy’s boy and a daddy’s boy. I love how when I say I love you bubba he says I knew you were going to say that, how he gives us the thumbs up when he knows he has ‘got’ something and I love how he looks when he sees us throw our hands in the air with pride. I love how he circles my waist with his arm when we walk and how his eyes talk with love when he is on the phone to his daddy.
This year has seen us delve into the world of superheros, dinosaurs continue to fascinate us but we are learning the pros and cons of good and evil through red and black spiderman. Swimming has become our sport of choice with him understanding perhaps he just has a ‘knack’ that with a little fine tuning it will make him more of a superhero. Science and art are his subjects of choice but spelling, writing and maths are not but why would it be to a boy who couldn’t hear until he was four and everything is just so mumbo jumbo most of the time? Just remind me that when at 16 he wants to leave school for work, remind me because I might forget that I knew that day might come and its okay. I will be proud anyway. Mr L and Mr B are his best friends although B1 doesn’t like it when they talk about bum and pee’s pee’s and he will excluded himself from the group for that time. They will poke a little fun but he is okay with that and so am I. He tells me he makes the right choice for him and I smile at his decision knowing already I have a gentlemen in the making.
He makes me so proud. Life has been a little bit of a struggle but still he keeps on going. Nothing for him will come easy but he is determined and will not give up without a fight. Proud is what this mummy is.
He was my love at first sight, still is and always will be.
Happy seventh birthday baby boy,
x Mum.